November 18, 2014
by Paul Joseph C.
On November 7, 2014, a voice of truth reminded us of charity's true meaning according to Christ-based, Catholic teachings. It is a true thunderbolt cutting through the thick dark clouds of today's skies. African Cardinal Robert Sarah, head of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, offered the extremely needed truth on Christian charity: a truth of which the Catholics have been starving since Jorge Mario Bergoglio has raised to power.
Cardinal Robert Sarah has stressed the link between charity and preaching the Gospel, saying that while the practical needs of the poor are important, Christians must give something much more essential: Jesus Christ.
Cardinal Sarah, quoting Pope Benedict XVI, told CNA that "charity is very linked with the proclamation of the Gospel, and doing charity is not only giving food, giving material things, but giving God too. Because the main lack of man is not having God."
The Cardinal spoke to the new charity confederation, Caritas in Veritate International, which was inspired by Pope Benedict’s encyclicals. In addressing the conference about "Caritas in Veritate", the cardinal explained that the worst discrimination against the poor is not refusing to give them food, but rather to give them only food and refuse to give them the Gospel.
"It’s very important to express that the hunger we are suffering today is not having God in our life, in our society," the cardinal said. He further explained that Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical insists that charity is the way we express our faith. Although giving food is necessary, "the main food is God."
Unlike pope Francis, whose concept of charity is limited to the literal feeding of food and the provision of material goods to the poor, Cardinal Sarah sees the "poor" as those who are deprived of the Truth, The Life, the Way. The Food of Life is the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the very sustaining nutrients allowing our souls to live eternally in the presence of the Lamb. It is the Word of God. It is the Verb Made Flesh. It is Jesus Christ.
In his homily on March 07 2014, Francis gave us his own version of charity in the following words:
POPE FRANCIS: "Receiving from our Lord the love of a Father, receiving from our Lord the identity of a people and then transforming it into an ethic means we are refusing that gift of love. These hypocritical people are good persons. They do all they should do. They seem good. But they are ethicists without goodness because they have lost the sense of belonging to a people! Our Lord gives us salvation through belonging to a people.
This is the charity or fasting that our Lord wants! Charity that is concerned about the life of our brother, that is not ashamed – Isaiah said it himself – of the flesh of our brother. Our perfection, our holiness is linked with our people where we are chosen and become part. Our greatest act of holiness relates to the flesh of our brother and the flesh of Jesus Christ. Our act of holiness today, here at the altar is not a hypocritical fasting: instead it means not being ashamed of the flesh of Christ which comes here today! This is the mystery of the Body and Blood of Christ. It means sharing our bread with the hungry, taking care of the sick, the elderly, those who can’t give us anything in return: this is not being ashamed of the flesh!" (source: Vatican Radio)
The words of Jorge Mario Bergoglio are confusing once again. He carefully mixes the few metaphors of vague reference to the Body of Christ with the many words on the temporal conditions of human beings in their actual flesh.
We read "Our Lord gives us salvation through belonging to a people". This is an non-biblical notion which we never heard before. Salvation is granted unto us through Christ Passion and Death on the Cross. In an astute and baroque spiral at the bottom of which the "hypocritical people" seem to be, once again, the very observers of the law. The time-travel miracle of Bergoglio is capable (as always) of transporting the hypocritical religious people of the synagogues into today's Catholic Church in the form of an unspoken "traditional" category. The scribes and pharisees obeying the Mosaic laws are easily resurrected by our Church's Prophet into the "the court. The leprosy of the papacy' (the Cardinals and the Bishops)."Charity is concerned about the life of our brother which is not ashamed of the flesh of our brother". He then states a very doctrinally questionable (if not unfounded) declaration:
"Our perfection, our holiness is linked with our people where we are chosen and become part. Our greatest act of holiness relates to:
1) the flesh of our brother and 2) the flesh of Jesus Christ.
He continues by saying:
"When I give alms, do I drop the coin without touching the hand (of the poor person, beggar)? And if by chance I do touch it, do I immediately withdraw it? When I give alms, do I look into the eyes of my brother, my sister? When I know a person is ill, do I go and visit that person? Do I greet him or her with affection? There’s a sign that possibly may help us, it’s a question: Am I capable of giving a caress or a hug to the sick, the elderly, the children, or have I lost sight of the meaning of a caress? These hypocrites were unable to give a caress. They had forgotten how to do it…Don’t be ashamed of the flesh of our brother, it’s our flesh! We will be judged by the way we behave towards this brother, this sister." (source: Vatican Radio)
While chunks of truths remain intact in some parts, the impurity of his discourse's confusion reduces his concept of charity into social acts and works of righteous nature, but applicable by any human being, irrespective of his/her beliefs in Jesus Christ. It becomes the opposite of what we read in
Ephisians 2:8 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast". And, although true faith will bring its fruits in acts of charity such as a "caress or a hug to the sick, the elderly, the children" most important fruits bring a soul to Eternal Life. For, what good could be possibly found in feeding the flesh of the poor through man-made food if the Bread of Life is not being given first and foremost for the salvation of that soul? A body of flesh is destined to death, no matter if well fed or starved. But the starved soul shall die in darkness while the well-fed soul, nurtured by the Holy Eucharist, shall live forever.
"Charity that is concerned about the life of our brother, that is not ashamed of the flesh of our brother. Our perfection, our holiness is linked with our people where we are chosen and become part. Our greatest act of holiness relates to the flesh of our brother and the flesh of Jesus Christ…this is not being ashamed of the flesh!…Don’t be ashamed of the flesh of our brother, it’s our flesh!"
We see that the brother takes a first position in Bergoglio's meaning of the Eucharist. He dangerously throws a bizarre connection between shame of the flesh, shame of Christ, and charity, within a greatest act of holiness which relates to the flesh of our bother.
This grave heresy of suffocating the divinity of Christ's Flesh in the Holy Eucharist and its substitution with the flesh of us, sinners, is something we have read before. Here below we are reminded of the fact that Salvation through Jesus Christ's Flesh and Blood has become an outdated concept of the pre-Bergoglio, old and traditional Church. Therefore, according to our pope, Holy Communion is about us. In finding our brother in the Bread, we automatically become cannibals consuming the impure flesh of each other in what will become the most desecrating act ever committed in the history of mankind along with the betrayal of Judas. Then, the light of the Sun shall disappear.
Tony Palmer: "I hope you were blessed with what you've just seen and heard.
I want to close the video with a couple of reflections just so we don't miss what Pope Francis just said and also a challenge. Hearing is not enough. We must act. We must keep up with the spirit of God and ride this wave of the tsunami. Firstly, it's both historic and healing to hear a Roman Pontiff refer to as brothers and sisters. Pope Francis is the head of 1.2 billion Christians and he embraced us into his family as brothers and his sisters and calls us to put an end to our separation. He mentions in his video that he is yearning to see an end of our separation. Pope Francis himself is the one who is asking us for full unity and full communion. What is striking is that he awakens us to the fact that the real communion is not the bread, but the brother. When he uses his story about the brothers of Joseph, because of their hunger, starvation in fact, they were then propelled to Egypt to go find bread to eat. But, they found something more than bread, they found their brother.
And, this, Pope Francis is saying: this is what we find in the true communion. We find each other. We find our brotherhood. We find our brother and our sister that we thought we'd lost. When we look for bread, which we think we need, we are going to find our brother, which is what we really need. We need to find that we are brothers and sisters again.
We, who are not Roman Catholics, are hungry for the bread of communion. But, Pope Francis tells us again that the bread is secondary to brotherhood. The real gift of communion is finding our brother. For those of use who have ears to hear, let us hear, because this is both profound and revolutionary. Pope Francis is calling us into an authentic communion based on the fact that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, not communion through our common traditions. This is a new way forward. And, for many of us, this is the way we have been waiting for. We must seize this moment…..Pope Francis personally told me that we are free to allow this message that you are listening to, this video that you are watching to go all over the world on any and all media. We asked him personally before we made this video."
These words are shocking in terms of doctrinal changes as they truly represent a clear, decisive and imposing threat to tradition and truth. So extreme is the radical nature of Tony Palmer's speech that a person's subconscious mind is almost instinctively led to suppress it. This social-religious engineering can easily be perceived as appealing to our frail and conditioned minds, especially when charmingly masked by humanism and directed towards unity, equality, brotherhood, human rights, love and peace. We must understand that Satan will always use these righteous words to accomplish the exact opposite results. While he will never present himself as a dark monster of no seductive glare, he certainly knows how to nurture men's ego through great ambitious ideas and in the name of universal freedom, peace and love.
In the meantime, as the infiltrated elite is spreading such falsities, God is on the move through the continuous spread of truth. Indeed, Tony Palmer's shocking monologue comes to no surprise for those who have been following God's Prophecies given to Maria Divine Mercy on the the warning second coming website. These are the Words of the Mother of Salvation, the Woman who will crush the serpent's proud cranium:"It will not suffice that they, the enemies of Christ, take over my Son’s Church from within – they will desecrate Him in many other ways. They will change the hosts for Holy Communion and the meaning of what the Holy Eucharist is. They will say that It, the Holy Eucharist, represents humanity and that it is a sign of a new communion – a gathering of all people as one in the Eyes of God. You, my children, will be told that you are all in communion with each other and that this is a cause for celebration. The Holy Communion is the Body of Christ and is His Real Presence. It cannot be two different things. Yet, they will twist the meaning – all you will be left with, eventually, will be a piece of bread, for when they desecrate the altars and the Most Holy Host, my Son’s Presence will cease"
Mother of Salvation's message from Thursday, September 5th, 2013
Her words are of absolute precision. It is all written in THE BOOK OF TRUTH. Nothing can escape the vigilant Eye of the True God.
Here below is yet another quote from one of Jesus Christ's messages given to Maria Divine Mercy in regards to the Eucharist's intrinsic change that will soon take place in the Catholic Church:
"When they tell you that My Body means something other than My physical Body, know then that the holy communion, which you will receive, will not be of Me. You must never allow them to change the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church and take over it"
Jesus' message from Saturday, March 15th, 2014(source TWV)
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Lord and King: these are messages and quotes regarding the Holy Eucharist and Its meaning, Its role, Its importance, Its future denial, Its future changes, Its power and Its Being the Word, Who is the Bread of Life and Whom Is Made Flesh in Christ Jesus.
The perfection of the Words used by Our Blessed Lord in reminding us of the importance of the Holy Eucharist in our daily lives is truly tangible in these holy messages. The Saving Grace so generously granted upon us through the gift of His Mercy and of His Prophet Maria Divine Mercy should be enough of a reason for us to pray from this very present until the beginning of Eternity.
One of the most important gifts received through such blessed revelations has been the discernment through which our spiritual eyes have been 'trained' to detect the rapid – but subtle – events in and around the Mystical Body of Christ. The serpent is wrapping itself around the Church in an attempt to strangle her, but through the Crusade Prayer Groups we can alleviate the constricting force of the beast.
A group of individuals has now reached the central core of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church founded on St. Peter by Jesus Christ Himself…in the flesh.
We have been warned repeatedly and now, after the tragic mistake of modernizing the Arc of the Covenant through the Second Vatican Council (VATICAN II) we must prepare for the final step of the Temple's destruction: The New One World Religion, VATICAN III, The Third Vatican Council, The Francis Effect. No matter the name used to define the final facelift of the now perceived to be an old institution based on old ideologies, the fragmentation of the 'Body' is about to commence.We, children of the Light, must never fear if not only for a possible loss of faith in the times ahead. Therefore, we must persevere in prayer, hope, love and charity because Our Father never lies; Christ never lies; the Words They Speak through the Holy Spirit never lie and the prophets They Choose never lie. God Keeps His promises – always.
I kindly dare to appeal to those brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations who have been well aware of the Truth for much longer than many of us, Catholics. Unlike the distorted model of unity launched by the Catholic and Charismatic Renewal Ecumenical movement, I'm asking you to open your hearts to the 'voice' speaking in the messages given to Maria Divine Mercy; surely, many might not agree with some of our 'Catholic beliefs', but God's Ways are always mysterious and He can Help us find spiritual unity under the Father, through the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
Messages from The Book of Truth
"It will not suffice that they, the enemies of Christ, take over my Son’s Church from within – they will desecrate Him in many other ways.
They will change the hosts for Holy Communion and the meaning of what the Holy Eucharist is. They will say that It, the Holy Eucharist, represents humanity and that it is a sign of a new communion – a gathering of all people as one in the Eyes of God. You, my children, will be told that you are all in communion with each other and that this is a cause for celebration. The Holy Communion is the Body of Christ and is His Real Presence.
It cannot be two different things. Yet, they will twist the meaning – all you will be left with, eventually, will be a piece of bread, for when they desecrate the altars and the Most Holy Host, my Son’s Presence will cease."
Mother of Salvation's message to Maria Divine Mercy from Thursday, September 5th, 2013
"When they tell you that My Body means something other than My physical Body, know then that the holy communion, which you will receive, will not be of Me. You must never allow them to change the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the antichrist will enter My Church and take over it."
Jesus' message in The Book of Truth from Saturday, March 15th, 2014
"Whatever new rules will be forced upon you in the name of evangelization and modernity, in My Name, know that if My Eucharist is no longer revered, as It should be and as It was meant to be, you can be sure that it will not be long before It will disappear altogether. On the day that this happens there will be a darkness, which will descend upon the Earth. You will not see it, but you will feel it in the cold hearts of men, for by then humanity will have changed"
Jesus' message from June 10th, 2014
"My daughter, please pray for My Vicar, Pope Benedict, for he is surrounded by masonic forces who are now making every effort to dethrone him, these evil forces have been infiltrating My Church since Vatican II and have diluted My Teachings. Many laws were passed which offend Me, especially the presentation of My Holy Eucharist by lay people. The lack of respect shown to Me and My Eternal Father, through new laws introduced to facilitate modern society has made Me cry with sadness. The Most Holy Eucharist must be received on the tongue and not soiled by human hands. Yet this is precisely what My sacred servants have done. These laws were not passed by Me in Spirit. My sacred servants have been led down a path not in line with the Teachings of My apostles. Today My Sacraments are not taken very seriously, especially those who seek the Sacraments of Matrimony and the First Holy Communion"
Jesus' message from Wednesday, July 6th, 2011
"When you see those who say that they have been appointed by Me to lead My Church on Earth engage in the secular world in order to gain favour, you will know that the changes have begun. When you see the Great Sacrifice – My Crucifixion – being debated and new meanings attached to My Eucharist, you will know that My Church will be cast into the desert."
Jesus' message from Saturday, September 28th, 2013
"Soon, all pagan feasts and festivals will be integrated within the Catholic Churches everywhere. Pagans and those who hate God will be invited onto the altars in front of the tabernacles. This feast will be declared to be the new form of Communion – all God’s children joining together in order to respect each other’s beliefs and human rights. You, My followers, will be asked to show respect for those who want to destroy My Presence in the Holy Eucharist. You will be accused of being anti-Christian if you do not embrace paganism. This is how you will all be fooled. This is how I, Jesus Christ, will be desecrated. They will do the same in schools, in order to banish Christianity. They will do the same in political circles, when everything to do with Me will be wiped out. No other religion will be targeted with such hatred. Christianity, because it is the Truth, will be destroyed.
What you do not realize is, that by becoming willing participants in this wicked desecration, that your souls will be darkened and in time you will forsake your own salvation.
Betray Me and I will forgive you. Deny Me and I will forgive you. But, when you desecrate Me and swear allegiance to the beast, you become completely separated from Me and you will find it impossible to accept My Mercy."
Jesus' message to MDM, Maria Divine Mercy from Saturday, September 28th, 2013
You cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist
Saturday, December 21st, 2013 – given to Maria Divine Mercy
My dearly beloved daughter, to those who accuse you, through My Holy Word, of fighting against the Authority of My Church, they must hear My Call.
The Church, created by Me, Jesus Christ, was built upon a firm Rock and no matter how much My Church – My Body – is attacked, the gates of Hell will never destroy It. Satan and his agents will only attack what is genuine, what is True and what is of Me. This is where all his energy will be focused on – My Church. I Am Present in My Church, through My Body, the Most Holy Eucharist. My enemies will always target the Most Holy Eucharist, as It is not merely a symbol of My Love, My Promise to redeem the world – It is My Body. It lives and breathes, for It is I, Jesus Christ, Who dwells in It. I will remain Present within the Holy Eucharist until close to the end, but My Church will never die.
My Word was made Flesh and through My Flesh, you, God’s children, will remain close to Me. When My enemies attacked My Church in the past, My Church united and fought against Its opponents. But when My Church is attacked, by the spirit of evil from within, It will face very few obstacles from a secular world.
Satan does not attack his own work. As the Son of man, I will never desert My Church, for It is impenetrable against the devil. My followers will remain true to My Church up to the last day. However, the number of people who will not understand the attacks, which My Church will come under, from within, will be high. They will, for the most part, be content with the many adaptations to be introduced in the Holy Sacraments and the Laws of God. They will swallow the lie that modern life calls for a modern church; that people today need to be able to make choices, based on their own free will – irrespective as to whether or not they insult God. Then when they insult God and commit blasphemy, when they desecrate the Holy Eucharist, they will no longer be part of My Church. My Church will remain intact. My Church will stay standing, because of those who will remain true to the Word of God – the Word, which became Flesh. For you cannot divorce My Church from the Word – the Flesh – because then It cannot Exist.
I promised that I would protect My Church against the gates of Hell and I do this now by preparing My loyal sacred servants to stand by Me and to remain true and steadfast until the Great Day. I never break My Promise.Your Jesus
The danger to the Existence of the Holy Eucharist will be shown to you
Thursday, March 28th, 2013 – given to Maria Divine Mercy, The Book of Truth
My dearly beloved daughter, you now understand how much this Mission is detested by the evil one. You must, however, rise above the cruel obstacles placed before you to slow down My Work. The danger to the Existence of the Holy Eucharist will be shown to you through the arrogance of those within My Church, whose plan to change the Truth has begun in earnest. It does not matter that many amongst you sneer at My Mission to prepare your souls for the Great Day. In time you will know that it is indeed, I, Jesus Christ, Who comes to you in order to serve you. I Am your Master and your Servant. You, My sacred servants, must remember your role and never forget it. As servants, you cannot be masters as well. For if you are a master, you cannot serve Me. Many of you within My Church have forgotten what you were taught. You have forgotten the Word of God. My Promise is to provide you with the Food of Life – My Body and Blood – and yet, you will, once again, deny Me. You will do this by removing the Holy Eucharist from the Temple of God and you will replace It with a corpse. The substitute will be subtle and it will take a while before you can detect the evil action, which will be foisted upon you. As My Body, through the Holy Eucharist, sustains you, the death of My Body, My Church, will bring death to the souls of those who discard Me. The time for the abomination is very near. The time for choosing between My Path, or that of the false prophet, is almost upon you. Watch, now, as the Truth will be twisted by the imposter. See how he will exalt himself in My Shoes, but will refuse to walk the path of Truth as a servant of God.Your Jesus
Mother of Salvation: Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son.
Friday, August 2nd, 2013My child, I stand before my Son, at this time, and fall on my face at His Feet in great sorrow. Just as I had to witness His Agony at the foot of His Cross, during His terrifying Crucifixion, I now have to endure His Pain once again.
My Son’s Crucifixion is taking place again as His Body, His Mystical Body, which is His Church on Earth, has to endure a scourging by His own. They, the enemies within His Church, will scourge His Body, tear It apart, mock Him cruelly and desecrate It, before they throw It aside. My Son’s Church is now to be scourged, during what will be the first stage of His Crucifixion on Earth in these times. They will take His Body – through the Holy Eucharist – and insult Him as well as degrade Him. Many signs will be seen of this, as every disrespectful and devious gesture will be made, in order to curse Him. When they have vilified His Most Holy Eucharist, they will then throw It away and soon It will be very difficult to receive It. This is just one of the many plans underway to wipe out my Son’s Presence in the Holy Mass.
Many will see these wicked gestures and know that they are insulting to my Son. Many will protest, but their voices will not be heard. To those poor priests, who will suffer because of this desecration, you must ask me, your Mother, to help you endure such pain. You must never ever tamper with the Holy Eucharist, for It is your only Food of Salvation. Without It, you will starve. It must always be made available to every single one of God’s children. You must never accept that any other kind of bread is the Food of Life.
Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son. You must remain true to the Gift of the Holy Eucharist even when you are told that It is no longer relevant – no longer acceptable in the new world religion.Your Mother in Christ,
Mother of Salvation
I Am Present in the Most Holy Eucharist through the Act of Transubstantiation
Jesus to Maria Divine Mercy Sunday, June 2nd, 2013My dearly beloved daughter, I must remind all of God’s children of the Truth of My Promise to give humanity the Gift of the Holy Eucharist.
I must remind you of the Power of the Most Holy Eucharist and of the fact that it is I, your beloved Jesus, Who is truly Present. I gave up My Body to save you from eternal damnation. I gave you My Body so that I could remain within your souls.
I Am Present in the Most Holy Eucharist through the Act of Transubstantiation. I explained this very clearly to My apostles at the Last Supper. So why do so many of you not accept this great Gift given to you at a great cost. This is My Gift to you. My Body and Blood will strengthen your soul. My Divine Presence sustains your soul and provides all those who accept My Holy Eucharist with a special Grace, which will bring you closer to Me. When you keep Me company during Eucharist Adoration, I will pour out the greatest Gifts over you. Soon you will find it difficult to pull away from Me and I will become closer to you. Your heart will become entwined with My Sacred Heart. You must never forget the Power of My Holy Eucharist, for it retains the Light of My Presence in the world. Without My True Presence in the Holy Eucharist, you would be lost and you would be unable to remain in a state of Grace.
When you are deprived of My Body, you will begin to feel empty. You will be separated from Me and while you may still love Me, you will struggle to stay in union with Me.Your Jesus
I Am Present in the Eucharist despite the misinterpretation of My Promise
Thursday, April 14th, 2011My dearly beloved daughter, do not worry. You are improving in the way you are setting time aside in prayer to Me. Now it is important that man understands that in order to come closer to My Heart, he must understand the need to receive the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist.
Many people, including other Christian groups, deny My Real Presence in the Eucharist. Why they have decided to deny the promises I made at My Last Supper, where I promised I would give My Flesh and Blood as Food and Nourishment for your souls, is unclear. What is clear is that the Miracle of the Holy Eucharist, Present in all Tabernacles all over the world, Exists today, and is there to fill your poor, undernourished and empty souls with My Presence. This Presence will strengthen you in ways, that, were you to miss receiving Me once you get used to this, you will feel lost.
Many Christians ignore one of the most fundamental promises I made during My Crucifixion, where I would be Present in Bread and Wine and leave a permanent mark to help nourish souls. Too much human reasoning has meant that I have been rejected by even well-meaning Christians. These same Christians cannot receive the Holy Eucharist in its True Form. The Most Holy Eucharist was given to you all as a great Gift for your redemption and salvation. By rejecting the fact that I Am Present, means that you are forfeiting special graces, which are part of a pact to bring Me even closer into your hearts. Remember, when I died for you, it was to lead you to towards eternal life and salvation. Receive Me as the Living Presence and your souls will alight in ways you would not have believed possible. Turn back to receiving My Body and Blood. Let Me remove your doubts. This is one of the biggest mistakes Christians have made, by denying Me entry to their souls in this way. It greatly offends My Eternal Father because of the Sacrifice involved to save your souls. Let Me bring Light and nourishment into your lives. You will be more inclined to accept the Truth of My Teaching after The Warning takes place.
Remember what I promised during My Last Supper that when you take the bread and wine it will become for you My Body and My Blood.* Any other interpretation has been distorted by human logic and reasoning. Now understand and accept the Truth.Your loving Saviour,
Jesus Christ
(excerpted from TWV)