13 Rotten Fruits of 'Pope Francis' In Word and Deed
Sources, Commentary, Related Events
13 Titles Bestowed on 'Pope Francis'
13 Strange Signs Related to 'Pope Francis'
13 Operatives Elevated by 'Pope Francis'
13 Photos of Jorge Bergoglio Playing 'Pope Francis I'
13 Videos Starring 'Pope Francis'
published on March 13, 2017
updated on December 8, 2019
written by Tom M, with additional commentary by Paul Joseph C
The news cycle is a Beast. On a Monday small portions of the media's consumers might be shocked if they happen to scroll by a headline broadcasting 'Pope Says Weapons Manufacturers Can't Call Themselves Christian', but by mid-Wednesday it's surely all but forgotten – even by those few who clicked or cared. "This too shall pass" is the maxim most leaned on by damage control doctors in the age of the eight second attention span.
A bomb is dropped. People scream. The bodies are buried. Life goes on.
The man known as 'Pope Francis' has been making war with the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and seducing the world now for over six years. Keeping up with his orchestrated avalanche of change is certainly challenging but if one begins to look – to really look – at his statements and actions then undeniable patterns and consistent themes emerge to reveal an agenda that has everything to do with undermining the Faith and decimating the Church he is supposedly meant to defend and represent.
In 2014 we began chronicling many of the Jesuit's strange statements and disturbing events related to his reign. It is now a very long list and can be viewed at: Putting Pope Francis Into Perspective – A Chronological List of Statements and Headlines.
Since any comprehensive list reporting the curses of 'Pope Francis' would now be too exhausting for most anyone to read, here below we highlight 13 things that should be known by anyone and everyone who believes that what 'The Pope' says and does has real and weighty ramifications both temporally and spiritually, presently and in the times to come.
You need not have a degree in theology or an encyclopedic knowledge of Holy Scripture to understand anything below – simple common sense, some spiritual sight, and love for Jesus Christ are plenty. Actually, even a well-educated honest atheist would clearly be able to recognize that the figure in white now speaking from the Vatican is diametrically opposed to Christianity as it has been known for 2,000 years.
His most twisted path toward destruction may be hard to look at for some, but it should now be very easy to see by all.
Some of the most grave offenses of 'Pope Francis' are beyond any need for commentary and did not even make this list. True Catholics believe in the Most Holy Trinity – One God in Three Divine Persons – God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. In a very short amount of given time, the False Pope has managed to blaspheme all Three. Please look at these statements:
Of THE HOLY SPIRIT – 'Pope Francis' Says:
'The Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) creates all the differences among the Churches, almost as if he were an Apostle of Babel.' (MARCH 15, 2013, VATICAN )
Of JESUS CHRIST – 'Pope Francis' Says:
'And it's fine (the Cross) but not just as a badge, as if it were a team, the badge of a team; but rather as the memory of the man (Jesus) who made himself sin, who made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he debased himself up to the point of totally annihilating himself.' (APRIL 4, 2017 – L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO)
Of THE MOST HOLY TRINITY – 'Pope Francis' Jokes:
'Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors, but on the outside they give the picture of unity.' (MARCH 25, 2017 – CRUX)
Of GOD THE FATHER – 'Pope Francis' Says:
'God cannot be God without man… Let us also think of the Father, of our Father who cannot be without us, and who is watching us at this moment.' (JUNE 7, 2017 – ROME REPORTS/VIDEO)
Of THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY – 'Pope Francis' Says:
'She was silent, but in her heart, how many things she told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!' (DECEMBER 20, 2013 – VATICAN RADIO)
Should you read these insults to God voiced by 'Pope Francis' and find yourself reflexively and understandably thinking, "but, there must be some good explanation" or witness others work frenetically to cover up and confuse the sad issue, please know that there just is no correct context to say 'Jesus made himself the Devil'; there is no excuse to imagine the Blessed Virgin Mary desiring to call God a liar; there is no slick interpretation that makes declaring 'God cannot be God without man' in any way right or good; there is nothing funny about joking that the Most Holy Trinity doesn't really get along; and know, for sure, that the Holy Spirit is absolutely not in any way an 'Apostle of Babel'.
There is no "deeper mystery" or "nuanced theology" that makes wrong right. The exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth once said "There are only two spiritual realms: The Holy Spirit and the demonic spirit." Let those with eyes to see behold the real spirit behind the countless caustic remarks 'Pope Francis' continues to throw in the Face of Almighty God.
Perhaps some will say that 'Pope Francis' was not speaking Ex Cathedra, claiming Papal infallibility of these statements and so no one should really care too terribly much. Or, others may argue that the lies he's telling are only personal opinions and may have no Magisterial weight or real effect on the Church, so it's all okay. And, some will jump up claiming that since we've had so, so many "bad Popes" before, the best thing to do is just ignore him with lowered heads in muted filial obedience, right?
God is not mocked. May we all remember these uncomfortable words from Venerable Fulton Sheen:
"Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from the Temple has lost a living, fervent love of Truth."
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them."
– Gospel of St. Matthew –
First, just "The List" – commentary, details, and sources follow.
(NOTE: Please click the bold text to immediately jump to more detail. This is a 'fluid' and subjective list. It will be amended and updated as necessary while 'Pope Francis' continues his assault on the Mystical Body of Christ.)
1. 'Pope Francis' said that Jesus "had to beg forgiveness of his parents" and that the Virgin Mary reproached Christ.
2. 'Pope Francis' taught that the miracle of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish was really a miracle of "sharing".
3. 'Pope Francis' claimed that lost souls do not go to Hell, saying "There is no Hell" and "there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished."
4. On June 8, 2014, Pentecost, the day that celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (often called "the birthday of the Church"), 'Pope Francis' hosted the first ever Muslim and Jewish prayers and Koran readings at the Vatican.
5. 'Pope Francis' sent an iPhone video message recorded by (now deceased) Tony Palmer to a group of evangelicals gathered by "The Godfather of the Prosperity Gospel" TV Preacher Kenneth Copeland. Tony Palmer dubbed this event the beginning of "the miracle of unity" and with the claimed approval of 'Pope Francis' said "The real communion is not the bread, but the brother."
6. 'Pope Francis' released a video promoting his prayer intention of "Inter-religious Dialogue". It featured an Islamic Leader, a Buddhist Lama, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Catholic Priest. The video included images of Muslim prayer beads, a Buddha statue, and a Menorah, but no cross. All religions were presented equally and the star of the video, 'Pope Francis', said "Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all: we are all children of God."
7. 'Pope Francis' said that "Mother Earth" is the one who 'gave us life and safeguards us'.
8. 'Pope Francis' approved of contraception in certain circumstances.
9. 'Pope Francis' issued an Apostolic Exhortation (Amoris Laetitia) that changes the practice of denying Holy Communion to those who are in 'irregular unions' (divorced and remarried, etc.).
10. On December 8, 2015, the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the official opening day of the "Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy", as well as the 50th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council, images of animals were projected onto the facade of Saint Peter's Basilica at an event called "Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home" as an homage to nature inspired by 'Pope Francis" climate change encyclical, "Laudato Si” and coinciding with the COP 21 climate conference in Paris.
11. 'Pope Francis' after being asked about the murder of Father Hamel, a Priest whose throat was slashed by an Islamic jihadist during Mass in Paris, mentioned "fruit salad", said "If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence", and generically condemned "fundamentalists" while pushing "coexistence".
12. On October 31, 2016, All Hallows' Eve, 'Pope Francis' participated in a joint ceremony with the World Lutheran Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, signing a joint pledge to work to remove all obstacles to full unity; He has also said that he "admires" Martin Luther and that "the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken". He has put a red statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican, and even left Lutherans wondering if they are already allowed to take Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.
13. 'Pope Francis' said "It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen
"The Mystical Body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from our Bishops."
Here we provide some commentary, thoughts, the source(s), and a few other related events to each item above. As mentioned many times throughout this website, we strongly encourage all readers to validate and fully read all stories in context from the original sources.

"And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers." – Gospel of St. Luke, 2
1. 'Pope Francis' said that Jesus "had to beg forgiveness of his parents" and that the Virgin Mary reproached Christ.
Who could have ever imagined that the denigration of Jesus Christ's perfect Divinity would find its source in the very impersonator of an arrogant "pope" whose hectoring heresies seem almost completely unchallenged by a spiritually sedated Church?
As if He had not already suffered to humanly incomprehensible extents the bone-breaking weight of all generations' numberless sins all the while living in a condition of unabating poverty, Our Lord Jesus Christ is now being demoted to the rank of a beggar from the zenith of that same Church He Founded two thousand years ago. This intentionally destructive statement further advances the desecration of God's only Begotten Son, as a person's condition of asking for forgiveness axiomatically implies the committing of a sin, whether it may occur through thoughts, words, actions or omission, on the same subject's part. Therefore, the lesson of the False Prophet's depraved doctrinal teaching consists in the indirect declaration of Jesus Christ's sinfulness – His imperfection. This purposely anti-apostolic anti-Gospel notion opposes what is contained within the Confirmation of Faith professed at Mass under the name of Apostles Creed prayer, which states the following: I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
If the forgiveness of sins is granted through the Sacrament of Reconciliation established by the all-pure, all-perfect, and all-loving Lord Jesus Christ – the same Jesus Christ whose perfect humanity and perfect divinity remained unstained from sin while on earth, and which shall remain unstained forever as He always was, and forever will be, Perfection – then how could even one tiny error possibly come from Him? And since Christ Jesus is the Just Judge – the only supreme Judge who one day shall come from the clouds to separate the chaff from the wheat – how could He ever "beg for forgiveness of His earthly parents" or be "reproached" by His Holy Mother? Let us never forget that, although Immaculate and Most Holy, the virginal Mother of Our Lord held no authority (and desired not to have such authority) over that same incarnate God who, in the inscrutable Mystery of His eternal Being, even Created the sacred womb in which He Was to be formed in order to accomplish His Father's designs. Indeed, if anyone is above all reproach it is Jesus Christ. A "reproach" is an act or expression of criticism and censure, a rebuke, an accusation, a state of dishonor, disgrace, or shame.
Is "pope" Francis declaring the all-powerful Creator and Savior of us men, the imperfect children of mud, to be under the reproach of mortals when He Himself is the unfailing Teacher whose authority extends above the earth as well as on and under the earth?
And, to begin with, what "reproach" is this man referring to?
Here is the passage about Jesus in the temple from the second Chapter of the Gospel of Saint Luke:
"And his parents went every year to Jerusalem, at the solemn day of the pasch, and when he was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem, according to the custom of the feast, and having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day's journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? did you not know, that I must be about my father's business? And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart."
Upon reading this chapter, the impression that is usually formed in the faithful's mind is that of a young Jesus Christ Whose knowledge is unreached even by the most learned doctors and teachers found within the Temple. His knowledge and authority supersede those of His holy parents as well, for they do not immediately understand the reason of their Child's disappearance. There is no reproach in Mary's words, for her fullness of grace and absence of pride would only infuse love and kindness in her voice. In all her humility, she understood the limits imposed by her lack of understanding that Mystery she was granted the honor to dress in her own flesh, for the Child-Christ tells them of His duty to be in His Father's House. In this rare glimpse of Our Lord's hidden years, not only do we learn that Christ had to spend three days inside His Father's Temple because in total submission to God's Holy Will, but we also read that this extraordinary Boy remains firm in His submission to His earthly guardians despite His full-awareness of Being the only Begotten Son of God, the Father Almighty.
In all his pride and insatiable appetite for Christianity's destruction, 'pope' Francis has the cruelty to say that, 'for this little escapade, Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents'. How blatantly satanic is it of the False Prophet to call God's Holy Will – in this case, Our Father's wish to have Christ spend three days in His Own Temple – a vulgar 'escapade'? Which Church member, in his/her right mind, would ever even fathom the idea of uttering such distasteful comparison, even if such was to be expressed in a fleeting thought?
We know who. And that is the FALSE PROPHET, erroneously referred to as "pope" Francis.
DECEMBER 27, 2015 – Pope Francis said 'How comforting it is for us to reflect on Mary and Joseph teaching Jesus how to pray!…We know what Jesus did on that occasion. Instead of returning home with his family, he stayed in Jerusalem, in the Temple, causing great distress to Mary and Joseph who were unable to find him. For this little “escapade”, Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents. The Gospel doesn’t say this, but I believe that we can presume it. Mary’s question, moreover, contains a certain reproach, revealing the concern and anguish which she and Joseph felt.' – VATICANAPRIL 4, 2017 – In a homily Pope Francis said 'Jesus ‘made himself the serpent,’ Jesus ‘made himself sin,’ and he took upon himself all the filth of humanity, all the filth of sin. And he ‘made himself sin’, he made himself to rise up so that all the people might look at him, the people wounded by sin, us. This is the mystery of the cross and Paul says it: ‘He made himself sin’ and he took the appearance of the father of sin, the cunning serpent….But what is the cross for us? Yes, it is the sign of Christians, it is the symbol of Christians, and we make the sign of the cross, but we do not always do it well, sometimes we do it so-so…because we do not have this faith in the cross. The cross for some people is a badge of belonging: ‘Yes, I carry the cross to show that I am a Christian.’ And it's fine but not just as a badge, as if it were a team, the badge of a team; but rather as the memory of the man who made himself sin, who made himself the devil, the serpent, for us; he debased himself up to the point of totally annihilating himself.' – L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO
JUNE 15, 2013 – Pope Francis says 'We look for Jesus Christ and say: 'This is your sin, and I will sin again'. And Jesus likes that, because it was his mission: to become the sinner for us' – VATICAN
APRIL 3, 2014 – Pope Francis says 'Scold the Lord a little. 'Hey you promised me this and you haven't done it!…Prayer must be a negotiation with God' – CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
DECEMBER 20, 2013 – Pope Francis speaking of The Virgin Mary says 'The Gospel does not tell us anything: if she spoke a word or not… She was silent, but in her heart, how many things [she] told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!' – VATICAN RADIO
MAY 29, 2015 – Pope Francis said 'There is also a question, whose explanation one does not learn in a catechesis. It is a question I frequently ask myself and many of you, many people ask: “Why do children suffer?”. And there are no answers. This too is a mystery. I just look to God and ask:“But why?”. And looking at the Cross: “Why is your Son there? Why?”. It is the mystery of the Cross. I often think of Our Lady, when they handed down to her the dead body of her Son, covered with wounds, spat on, bloodied and soiled. And what did Our Lady do? “Did she carry him away?”. No, she embraced him, she caressed him. Our Lady, too, did not understand. Because she, in that moment, remembered what the Angel had said to her: “He will be King, he will be great, he will be a prophet…”; and inside, surely, with that wounded body lying in her arms, that body that suffered so before dying, inside surely she wanted to say to the Angel: “Liar! I was deceived.” She, too, had no answers.' – VATICAN
JUNE 16, 2016 – Pope Francis said 'Jesus plays the fool a bit' – Pope Francis strung together a series of inconceivable other “pearls” reaching the limits of blasphemy: Jesus in the episode with the adulteress 'plays the fool a bit' (a shocking phrase which the Vatican site changed to “pretended not to understand” , but we have the recording…) and then Jesus, in the same episode when the woman was saved from being stoned – 'was scant on morality' (ha mancato verso la morale). Then Jesus was not 'a clean one' (“un pulito” ) he actually used this expression. – LO STRANIERO/translation RORATE CAELI
('Pope Francis' Chronology)
JANUARY 10, 2017 – Pope Francis: Jesus Had Authority Because He Always Served Others – In his homily at Santa Marta, the pope criticized the clericalism of those who try to advise others without worrying about them. Pope Francis said 'Jesus served the people, He explained things because the people understood well: He was at the service of the people. He had an attitude of a servant, and this gave authority. On the other hand, these doctors of the law that the people…yes, they heard, they respected, but they didn’t feel that they had authority over them; these had a psychology of princes: ‘We are the masters, the princes, and we teach you. Not service: we command, you obey.’ Jesus never passed Himself off like a prince: He was always the servant of all, and this is what gave Him authority.' – ROME REPORTS
SEPTEMBER 8, 2017 – Pope Francis said 'In the Gospel, we have heard the genealogy of Jesus, which is not a “simple list of names”, but rather a “living history”, the history of the people that God journeyed with; by making himself one of us, God wanted to announce that the history of the just and of sinners runs through his blood, that our salvation is not a sterile entity found in a laboratory, but rather something concrete, a life that moves forward. This long list tells us that we are a small part of a vast history, and it helps us not to claim excessive importance for ourselves; it helps us elude the temptation of over-spiritualizing things; it helps us not withdraw from the concrete historical realities in which we live. It also integrates in our history of salvation those pages which are the darkest and saddest, moments of desolation and abandonment comparable to exile. The mention of women – though none of those referred to in the genealogy has the category of the great women of the Old Testament – allows us a particular rapprochement: it is they, in the genealogy, who tell us that pagan blood runs through the veins of Jesus, and who recall the stories of scorn and subjugation.' – VATICAN RADIO

The Gospel According to Saint John, 6 – "When the people saw the sign he had done, they said, “This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world."
2. 'Pope Francis' claimed that the miracle of Jesus multiplying the bread and fish was really a miracle of "sharing".
For someone who, according to the world press, allegedly performed a "miracle" which caused the blood of St Januarius to become liquefied on March 21, 2015, it is rather odd to claim that Jesus Christ's real miracle of multiplying the bread and the fish consists of the sole act of sharing the same. Indeed, in his gnostic (and therefore, Luciferian) anti-Gospel, the False Prophet dares to define the actual multiplication of the number of loaves and fish as a sort of magic trick, a form of illusion in which the faithful must not believe. In his shameless self-loathing, he transports his own sorcery arts unto the required and undeniable belief in the literal realization of Christ's love for His children, thus both denying and warping an event of fundamental importance. We know that the dictator who seized the Catholic Church by force of corruption has, in fact and on many occasions, publicized his antagonism towards Catholic "fundamentalism" – therefore towards that same deposit of faith which solidly stands upon the great Foundation of Jesus Christ.
The false vicar said that 'he (Jesus) takes a little bread and some fish, he blesses them and then gives them to his disciples to share with the crowd. This is how the miracle takes place. It is not magic or sorcery. With these three gestures, Jesus is able to turn a mentality which discards others into a mindset of communion and community…And we can imagine this now: we can imagine how they kept passing the loaves and fishes from hand to hand until the food reached those who were farthest away. Jesus managed to generate a current among his followers: they all went on sharing what was their own, turning it into a gift for the others; and that is how they all got to eat their fill'. Yet, if the miracle lays in the sharing of goods alone, then how could five loaves and two fish possibly satisfy the hunger of five thousand people and manage to still fill up twelve previously-empty baskets?
Let us also look again at the phrase, '...Jesus is able to turn a mentality which discards others into a mindset of communion and community…And we can imagine this now: we can imagine how they kept passing the loaves and fishes from hand to hand until the food reached those who were farthest away. Jesus managed to generate a current among his followers: they all went on sharing what was their own, turning it into a gift for the others'. According to the one who allegedly leads Jesus Christ's Church, Our Lord's miracle goes through three steps consisting of the blessing, the giving, and the sharing of what, according to him, are still only five loaves and two fish, for he does not even mention the word "multiply" if not under the word of "magic or sorcery". These three steps, he tells us, 'he (Christ) managed to generate a current' as in a sort of socio-political movement of some Marxist nature. Indeed, Francis continues by saying that 'they (the crowd) went on sharing what was their own, turning it into a gift for the others'. This might feel like velvet to the skin of the comatose Catholics living in the lands of western tolerance, but the error stands clear: this "current" refers to a 'community miracle' of sharing that food which, contrarily to what Francis narrates, does not belong to any specific person/s as it was the Fruit of Our Lord's compassion and generosity, a gift He Decided to grant to all people. At the same time, the Argentinian man emphasizes this 'socialist miracle' consisting of a community effort which, resulting in a chain reaction, causes every person to become a co-author of the initial 'marvel of sharing' with which Francis credits the Only Begotten Son of God just as much (or as little) as he credits everyone else (as if the abolition of the actual and literal miracle of multiplying the bread and the fish was not bad enough).
JUNE 2, 2013 – Pope Francis speaking about Jesus multiplying the bread and fish says 'Here's the miracle, that it is more a sharing than a multiplying' – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCYJULY 9, 2015 – Pope Francis (speaking about Jesus multiplying the fish and loaves) during a homily for the Votive Mass of the Most Holy Eucharist in Bolivia said 'He takes a little bread and some fish, he blesses them and then gives them to his disciples to share with the crowd. This is how the miracle takes place. It is not magic or sorcery. With these three gestures, Jesus is able to turn a mentality which discards others into a mindset of communion and community…And we can imagine this now: we can imagine how they kept passing the loaves and fishes from hand to hand until the food reached those who were farthest away. Jesus managed to generate a current among his followers: they all went on sharing what was their own, turning it into a gift for the others; and that is how they all got to eat their fill. Incredibly, food was left over: they collected it in seven baskets.'- VATICAN
OCTOBER 27, 2014 – Pope Says Evolution, Big Bang Are Real, saying 'God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life…Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.' – USA TODAY
JUNE 23, 2019 – Pope Francis said 'Surprisingly, the account of the multiplication of the loaves does not mention the multiplication itself. On the contrary, the words that stand out are: “break”, “give” and “distribute. In effect, the emphasis is not on the multiplication but the act of sharing. This is important. Jesus does not perform a magic trick; he does not change five loaves into five thousand and then to announce: “There! Distribute them!” No. Jesus first prays, then blesses the five loaves and begins to break them, trusting in the Father. And those five loaves never run out. This is no magic trick; it is an act of trust in God and his providence…He does not work spectacular miracles, but uses simple things, breaking bread in his hands, giving, distributing and sharing it. God’s omnipotence is lowly, made up of love alone.' – VATICAN

“The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” – St. Athanasius
3. 'Pope Francis' claimed that lost souls do not go to Hell, saying "There is no Hell" and "there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished."
This item is covered extensively here:
A Pope & A Priest Deny HELL
MARCH 15, 2015 – Pope Francis, when asked 'What happens to that lost soul? Will it be punished?' replied 'there is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul. All the others will participate in the beatitude of living in the presence of the Father. The souls that are annihilated will not take part in that banquet; with the death of the body their journey is finished.' – LA REPUBBLICAAPRIL 8, 2016 – In Amoris Laetitia Pope Francis writes 'No one can be condemned for ever, because that is not the logic of the Gospel!' – VATICAN
DECEMBER 11, 2013 – Pope Francis says 'Never fear the final judgment, because Christ will always be at our side' – LA STAMPA
NOVEMBER 25, 2016 – Pope: Eternal damnation is not a torture chamber but distance from God – In a homily Pope Francis said 'Eternal damnation is not a torture chamber. That’s a description of this second death: it is a death. And those who will not be received in the Kingdom of God, it's because they have not drawn close to the Lord. These are the people who journeyed along their own path, distancing themselves from the Lord and passing in front of the Lord but then choosing to walk away from Him. Eternal damnation is continually distancing oneself from God.' He said distancing oneself from God who gives happiness and who loves us so much is the “fire” and the road to eternal damnation. He concluded 'Hope is what opens our hearts to the encounter with Jesus. This is what awaits us: the encounter with Jesus. It’s beautiful, very beautiful. And He asks us only to be humble and say ‘Lord.’ It’s enough to say that word and He will do the rest.' – VATICAN RADIO
OCTOBER 9, 2017 – Eugeno Scalfari, who has interviewed Pope Francis numerous times writes "Pope Francis, preceded in this by John XXIII and Paul VI, but with a more revolutionary force than ecclesial theology, has abolished the places where, after death, souls must go: Hell, Purgatory, Paradise. Two thousand years of theology have been based on this kind of afterlife, which even the Gospels confirm. However, it is with some attention to the theme of Grace – that is in part due to the letters of Saint Paul (to the Corinthians and the Romans) and partly even more so to Augustine of Hippo. All souls are endowed with Grace, and so they are born perfectly innocent and they remain so unless they take the path of evil. If they are aware of it and do not repent even at the moment of death, then they are condemned. Pope Francis, I repeat, has abolished the places of eternal dwelling in the afterlife of souls. The thesis held by him is that the souls dominated by evil and not repentant cease to exist while those who are redeemed from evil will be assumed into beatitude, contemplating God." – IL SISMOGRAFO
AUGUST 23, 2017 – Pope Francis said 'The closing pages of the Bible show us the ultimate horizon of our journey as believers: the heavenly Jerusalem, the celestial Jerusalem. It is envisioned first of all as an immense tent, where God will welcome all mankind so as to dwell with them definitively.' – VATICAN
OCTOBER 8, 2017 – Pope Francis said 'It is here that the great news of Christianity is found: a God who, in spite of being disappointed by our mistakes and our sins, does not go back on his word, does not stop, and above all does not avenge himself! Brothers and sisters, God does not avenge himself! God loves, he does not avenge himself, he waits for us to forgive us, to embrace us.' – VATICAN
OCTOBER 11, 2017 – Pope Francis said 'a Christian knows that in that same future there will be Christ’s return. No one knows when this will take place, but the thought that at the end of our history there will be Merciful Jesus suffices in order to have faith and not to curse life. Everything will be saved. Everything.' – VATICAN
MARCH 29, 2018 – Does Hell Exist? Pope Francis Says No In New Interview That Could Change Catholic Church Forever – In an article titled “It Is an Honor to Be Called a Revolutionary," La Repubblica founder Eugenio Scalfari asked, "What about the bad souls?" Seemingly going against centuries of core Christian belief, Pope Francis said the souls of sinners simply vanished after death and were not subject to an eternity of punishment. "They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls" Pope Francis said. Shortly after the article was published, the Vatican issued this statement: "What is reported by the author in today’s article is the result of his reconstruction, in which the literal words pronounced by the Pope are not quoted. No quotation of the aforementioned article must therefore be considered as a faithful transcription of the words of the Holy Father. " – NEWSWEEK
Dom Prosper Guéranger
"When the shepherd becomes a wolf, the first duty of the flock is to defend itself. The true children of Holy Church, at such times, are those who walk by the light of their Baptism, not the cowardly souls who, under the specious pretext of submission to the powers that be, delay their opposition to the enemy in the hope of receiving instructions which are neither necessary nor desirable."

'Pope Francis' with Grand Mufti Yaran
4. On June 8, 2014, Pentecost, the day that celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (often called "the birthday of the Church"), 'Pope Francis' hosted the first ever Muslim and Jewish prayers and Koran readings at the Vatican.
(Please see: The Dark Cloud on Pentecost Day)
Never before has the Mystical Body of Christ witnessed such an attempt initiated by a man dressed as "pope". Not until 'master of the craft' Jorge Mario Bergoglio managed to put a curse of unintelligible magnitude over this senseless world's people.
What happened on June 8, 2014 could be symbolized in the stars under the supervision of the beast, for on the day in which the Holy Spirit Descends from the Heavens so as to be with His Militant Church, a meteor labeled by NASA "The Beast", traversed our skies and cast its shadow onto the Vatican Gardens' triangular space that "pope" Francis reserved for the dark ceremony.
Let us never forget that, despite Bergoglio's public display of eulogies made the previous July 8, 2013 – in which he said 'I also think with affection of those Muslim immigrants who this evening begin the fast of Ramadan, which I trust will bear abundant spiritual fruit' when spiritual fruits can only come from the Vine Whom is Jesus Christ -, the Imam did not miss on the opportunity to place a curse onto the Mystical Body of Christ by reciting a Sura passage containing the following words: "Grant us victory over the heathen/disbelieving/infidel”.
The press called it a scandalous accident, and the Vatican tried to cover up the situation in vain, for by the time they attempted to take down the article from the official website, it was too late.
But what we found to be even more tragic is that there was no accident of any kind whatsoever. Indeed, not only did the Masonic Vatican purposely plot the seemingly incidental abomination, but managed to stage the (alleged) failed attempt to take down the Vatican website page narrating what they wished to be widely perceived as an unfortunate event. Through such planned action, they convinced the masses that all they were responsible for was an act of mere misunderstanding; and if they could enact the effort of trying to cover up a story of a much lesser evil such as a simple misunderstanding, then the faithful would deem this "clergy" to be a congregation of Christ-loving men experiencing a sincere remorse as well as the embarrassment which springs from those of good conscience after having realized the gravity of their own equivocation. At the same time, the action of attempting to omit a proof is so extreme in its sneaky dishonesty and sinisterness as to make that same accidental misunderstanding the most evil scenario possibly occurring by the hands of the Vatican, therefore sealing the case with that and hiding the infinitely graver deceit they constructed from the very beginning. The case was dismissed with what could be considered a small misdemeanor, even though what they committed would have been more honestly defined as a grave felony. And so, as we would say, 'they got away with murder'.
JUNE 08, 2014 – First ever Muslim, Jewish prayers at Vatican – NY POSTJULY 08, 2013 – Pope Francis says 'I also think with affection of those Muslim immigrants who this evening begin the fast of Ramadan, which I trust will bear abundant spiritual fruit.' – VATICAN
DECEMBER 12, 2015 – Catholics Should Not try to Convert Jews, Vatican Says – "Catholics should not try to convert Jews and should work with them to fight anti-Semitism, the Vatican said on Thursday in a major new document…'In concrete terms this means that the Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews,' said the document, adding that there was a 'principled rejection of an institutional Jewish mission'. A Vatican expert in Catholic-Jewish dialogue said it was the first time a repudiation of active conversion of Jews had been so clearly stated in a Vatican document." – NBC NEWS
NOVEMBER 24, 2013 – Pope Francis on Muslims – 'We must never forget that they profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day.' – VATICAN.VA
JANUARY 20, 2014 – Pope Francis says 'Sharing our experience in carrying that cross, to expel the illness within our hearts, which embitters our life: it is important that you do this in your meetings. Those that are Christian, with the Bible, and those that are Muslim, with the Quran. The faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on.' – ROME REPORTS
NOVEMBER 29, 2014 – Pope Francis prays in Istanbul's Blue Mosque – Francis took off his shoes as he entered the huge mosque, before bowing his head in prayer for several minutes, facing Mecca and standing next to Istanbul's Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaranwith Muslim – REUTERS
MARCH 25, 2016 – Pope Francis Washes the Feet of Muslim Migrants – They were Muslim, Hindu, Catholic and Coptic Christians. And one by one, Pope Francis knelt down before these migrants on Holy Thursday and washed their feet. In his homily Pope Francis said 'Even today, here, there are two gestures: this, of all of us together, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelical [Protestants] brothers and sisters – children of the same God – we want to live in peace, integrated. One gesture. Three days ago, an act of war, of destruction in a European city, by people who do not want to live in peace. Though behind that gesture, as there were behind that of Judas, there were others. Behind Judas there were those who offered money, that Jesus be delivered up to them. Behind that [other] gesture [on Tuesday in Belgium], there are manufacturers, arms dealers who want blood, not peace; they want the war, not fraternity. Two gestures, just the same: Jesus washes feet, Judas sold Jesus for money. You, we, all of us together, of different religions, different cultures, but children of the same Father, brothers – and there, those poor people, who buy weapons to wreck fraternity. Today, at this time, when I do the same act of Jesus washing the feet of twelve of you, let us all make a gesture of brotherhood, and let us all say: “We are different, we are different, we have different cultures and religions, but we are brothers and we want to live in peace. This, then, is the gesture that I make with you. Each of us has a story, each of you has a story you carry with you. Many crosses, many sorrows: but also an open heart that wants brotherhood. Let each, in his religious language, pray the Lord that this brotherhood be contagious in the world, that there be no 30 pieces of silver to purchase a brother’s murder, that there be always brotherhood and goodness. So be it.' – THE WASHINGTON POST / VATICAN RADIO

Kenneth Copeland, The Godfather of the Prosperity Gospel
5. 'Pope Francis' sent an iPhone video message recorded by (now deceased) Tony Palmer to a group of evangelicals gathered by "The Godfather of the Prosperity Gospel" TV Preacher Kenneth Copeland. Tony Palmer dubbed this event the beginning of "the miracle of unity" and with the claimed approval of 'Pope Francis' said "The real communion is not the bread, but the brother".
This item is covered extensively here:
Breaking Bread – Pope Reshaping The Eucharist
JANUARY, 2014 – Pope sends iPhone message to "The Godfather of the Prosperity Gospel" televangelist Kenneth Copeland via Tony Palmer – VIDEOFEBRUARY 28, 2014 – Tony Palmer, under Pope Francis's name, releases video following up on the iPhone video message he recorded of Pope Francis to Kenneth Copeland. In the video he says 'Real communion is not the bread but the brother' – VIDEO/THE ARK COMMUNITY
JUNE 5, 2014 – Pope meets with Televangelist Joel Osteen at the Vatican – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER
JUNE 24, 2014 – Pope meets with Televangelist Kenneth Copeland and other Evangelicals at the Vatican – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER
JULY 9, 2014– At a private lunch Pope Francis told Brian Stiller of World Evangelical Alliance 'I’m not interested in converting evangelicals to Catholicism. I want people to find Jesus in their own community. There are so many doctrines we will never agree on. Let’s not spend our time on those. Rather, let’s be about showing the love of Jesus.' – WORLD EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE
JUNE 6, 2016 – Pope Francis to Address Americans at Evangelical Event with Special Video Message – PULSE, a student-led evangelism movement founded by Nick Hall, has called 1 million Americans to gather on the National Mall in Washington DC on July 16th and join in prayer for the nation at an event called "Together 2016." The event will feature a personal video message from Pope Francis. More Than 40 Well-Known Musicians, Authors, Pastors, Speakers Will Take Stage At National Mall July 16th. Confirmed speakers and artists include: Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Francis Chan, Lecrae, Nick Hall, Passion, Crowder, Kirk Franklin, Ravi Zacharias, Jeremy Camp, Andy Mineo, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle, Christine Caine, and many more – CHRISTIAN NEWS WIRE – Press Release, Icon Media
JULY 2, 2016 – Pope Francis sent a video message to the participants in the gathering of the Together for Europe initiative – an initiative that brings together over 300 Christian Movements and Communities of diverse confessions from every part of the Continent. While preserving their independence, collectively they form a network to pursue shared goals, each bringing a contribution specific to their own charism. – VATICAN RADIO
NOVEMBER 25, 2014 – It is reported in Austin Ivereigh's book The Great Reformer, that Tony Palmer, an Anglican and long time friend of Pope Francis, spoke to Bergoglio about whether he should become Catholic. Mr. Palmer described the Cardinal’s response as: “[Bergoglio] told me that we need to have bridge-builders. He counseled me not to take the step because it looked like I was choosing a side and I would cease to be a bridge-builder.” – THE GREAT REFORMER
OCTOBER 28, 2016 – Pope Makes Complete Overhaul of Vatican Liturgical Congregation – Pope Francis has replaced all of the members of the Vatican’s Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship, the body in charge of liturgical questions. Pope Francis has appointed 27 new members to the Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship, completely transforming the membership of that body. The new appointments give a distinctly more liberal character to the congregation. The changes seem likely to curtail the work of Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of the Congregation, who has been a leading proponent of more reverent liturgy. – CATHOLIC CULTURE
JUNE 21, 2018 – Pope Francis Says Individual Bishops Must Decide About Communion In Mixed Marriages – The question of allowing Protestants married to Catholics to receive Communion at Mass in special cases has to be decided by each individual bishop and cannot be decided by a bishops’ conference, Pope Francis told reporters. The pope was asked about his recent decision requesting the Catholic bishops’ conference of Germany not publish nationwide guidelines for allowing Communion for such couples. He said the guidelines went beyond what is foreseen by the Code of Canon law 'and there is the problem.' The code does not provide for nationwide policies, he said, but 'provides for the bishop of the diocese (to make a decision on each case), not the bishops’ conference. This was the difficulty of the debate. Not the content…There was no stepping on the brakes' he said. – CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Still from 'The Pope Video – Inter-religous Dialogue' (Buddha, Muslim prayer beads, Menorah, and a baby doll)
6. 'Pope Francis' released a video promoting his prayer intention of "Inter-religious Dialogue". It featured an Islamic Leader, a Buddhist Lama, a Jewish Rabbi, and a Catholic Priest. The video included images of Muslim prayer beads, a Buddha statue, and a Menorah, but no cross. All religions were presented equally and the star of the video, 'Pope Francis', said "Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty we have for all: we are all children of God."
This item is covered extensively here:
VIDEO: Pope Francis & The One World Religion
and also addressed here:
VIDEO: Pope Francis in Contrast to The Word of God
JANUARY 7, 2016 – In first prayer video, Pope stresses interfaith unity – An initiative of the Jesuit-run global prayer network Apostleship of Prayer, the video was filmed in collaboration with the Vatican Television Center and marks the first time the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions have been featured on video. Pope Francis says 'Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God'. (Note: The video includes a Lama, a Rabbi, and an Islamic leader and shows imagery of a statue of Buddha, Muslim prayer beads, a Minora, and a Baby Jesus doll). – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCYDECEMBER 12, 2015 – Catholics Should Not try to Convert Jews, Vatican Says – "Catholics should not try to convert Jews and should work with them to fight anti-Semitism, the Vatican said on Thursday in a major new document…'In concrete terms this means that the Catholic Church neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews,' said the document, adding that there was a 'principled rejection of an institutional Jewish mission'. A Vatican expert in Catholic-Jewish dialogue said it was the first time a repudiation of active conversion of Jews had been so clearly stated in a Vatican document." – NBC NEWS
NOVEMBER 24, 2013 – Pope Francis on Muslims – 'We must never forget that they profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, who will judge humanity on the last day.' – VATICAN.VA
JANUARY 20, 2014 – Pope Francis says 'Sharing our experience in carrying that cross, to expel the illness within our hearts, which embitters our life: it is important that you do this in your meetings. Those that are Christian, with the Bible, and those that are Muslim, with the Quran. The faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on.' – ROME REPORTS
SEPTEMBER 5, 2016 – Pope Francis released his prayer intention video message for September. In it he says: 'Humanity is experiencing a crisis that is not only economic and financial, but is also ecological, educational, moral, and human. When we talk about crisis, we talk about dangers, but also opportunities. What is the opportunity? Being solidarity. Come, help me. That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center.' – VATICAN RADIO
MARCH 25, 2016 – Pope Francis Washes the Feet of Muslim Migrants – They were Muslim, Hindu, Catholic and Coptic Christians. And one by one, Pope Francis knelt down before these migrants on Holy Thursday and washed their feet. In his homily Pope Francis said 'Even today, here, there are two gestures: this, of all of us together, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelical [Protestants] brothers and sisters – children of the same God – we want to live in peace, integrated. One gesture. Three days ago, an act of war, of destruction in a European city, by people who do not want to live in peace. Though behind that gesture, as there were behind that of Judas, there were others. Behind Judas there were those who offered money, that Jesus be delivered up to them. Behind that [other] gesture [on Tuesday in Belgium], there are manufacturers, arms dealers who want blood, not peace; they want the war, not fraternity. Two gestures, just the same: Jesus washes feet, Judas sold Jesus for money. You, we, all of us together, of different religions, different cultures, but children of the same Father, brothers – and there, those poor people, who buy weapons to wreck fraternity. Today, at this time, when I do the same act of Jesus washing the feet of twelve of you, let us all make a gesture of brotherhood, and let us all say: “We are different, we are different, we have different cultures and religions, but we are brothers and we want to live in peace. This, then, is the gesture that I make with you. Each of us has a story, each of you has a story you carry with you. Many crosses, many sorrows: but also an open heart that wants brotherhood. Let each, in his religious language, pray the Lord that this brotherhood be contagious in the world, that there be no 30 pieces of silver to purchase a brother’s murder, that there be always brotherhood and goodness. So be it.' – THE WASHINGTON POST / VATICAN RADIO
JUNE 15, 2017 – Pope, Rabbi Skorka Join Effort To Promote Friendship Across Faiths – The pope and his friend Rabbi Abraham Skorka appear in a video montage and together in their own video as part of the "Make Friends" initiative coordinated by the Elijah Interfaith Institute. The video series also includes Orthodox, Anglican and Lutheran leaders, Jewish rabbis, Sunni and Shiite Muslim clerics, Buddhist monks and nuns, and Hindu and Sikh leaders. Explaining the "Make Friends" initiative, the Elijah Interfaith Institute said, "Friendship and getting to know one another are the antidotes to negativity and divisions in society, enhancing understanding and unity." – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER
JANUARY 27, 2018 – In an address to members of the Italian Red Cross Pope Francis concluded his speech saying 'I ask the blessing of God – God the Father of us all, Father of all confessions – on you all.' – VIDEO/VATICAN NEWS
FEBRUARY 4, 2019 – In a joint document with Grand Imam di Al-Azhar Ahamad al-Tayyib titled "Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" Pope Francis wrote 'The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.' – VATICAN
DECEMBER 5, 2019 – Pope and Grand Imam propose a World Day of Fraternity to the UN – In a message to the Secretary General of the United Nations Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayyeb propose that 4 February be declared World Day of Human Fraternity and asks the United Nations to participate, together with the Holy See and Al-Azhar, in the organization, in the near future, of a World Summit on Human Fraternity. – VATICAN NEWS
Pope Leo XII
"To hold, therefore, that there is no difference in matters of religion between forms that are unlike each other, and even contrary to each other, most clearly leads in the end to the rejection of all religion in both theory and practice. And this is the same thing as atheism, however it may differ from it in name."

The flag of Jainism has five colors to represent the five supreme beings. The swastika in the center of the flag represents the four states of existence. The three dots above the swastika represent 'Right Vision', 'Right Knowledge', and 'Right Conduct'. The curve above the three dots denotes Siddhashila, a place of pure energy above hell, earth, or heaven.
7. 'Pope Francis' said that "Mother Earth" is the one who 'gave us life and safeguards us'.
When this list seemed to have reached the bottom of the abyss with its last shocking occurrence, there is only more pain to endure. That is correct. Pain. The pain of having to hear that, according to the supposed-to-be leader of the Catholic Church of Jesus Christ, life is no longer a gift granted by the Holy Spirit, but rather a condition allegedly created by an inanimate part of creation itself: mother Earth, often represented by a pagan goddess named Gaia. This corrupted inversion of roles could somehow be reminiscent of a warped form of the hermetic saying "as above, so below" in that the earth below our feet exercises the same authority of God's Holy Spirit dwelling above our heads, in the highest of the Heavens.
As a first point, I dare to make an evaluation which, based on personal discernment, can absolutely be argued or rejected as I obviously cannot insure it with infallibility. Yet, I firmly believe the words of False Prophet "pope" Francis to be a manifestation of the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of which we learned from Holy Scriptures. As we profess in every Sunday's Mass, "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son, Who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, Who has spoken through the prophets."
We can also state with much conviction that an important factor contributing to the biblical title of "False Prophet" associated to Jorge Mario Bergoglio is this same denial of the true divinity of the Holy Spirit as the third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity constituting the One Eternal Mystery of God. The assurance to such statement is found in the same Profession of Faith, specifically in the words, "He has spoken through the Prophets". As seen above, on June 8, 2014 "pope" Francis desecrated Pentecost (the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles which is believed to be "the birthday of the Church") by hosting a triangular intereligious ritual meant to ignite the process of assembling Christianity, Judaism and Islam into an abomination while under the trajectory of a "flying beast". In all its spiritual unlawfulness, the event comes in the name of world peace when all it unleashes is persecution and death upon the same Body it penetrated in Rome through the betrayal of the false custodian who has stolen the Seat of peter from our true shepherd, Pope Benedict XVI. It is, in fact, undeniable that the horrendous occurrence can be paralleled to the inauguration of a new season in which the raised Beast (along with its spirit of lies) brings destruction and persecution as foretold in the following passages from the Gospel of Saint John:
"These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God. And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me. But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them."
"Jesus therefore said to them: If God were your Father, you would indeed love me. For from God I proceeded, and came; for I came not of myself, but he sent me: Why do you not know my speech? Because you cannot hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. But if I say the truth, you believe me not. Which of you shall convince me of sin? If I say the truth to you, why do you not believe me? He that is of God, heareth the words of God. Therefore you hear them not, because you are not of God."
"But I told you not these things from the beginning, because I was with you. And now I go to him that sent me, and none of you asketh me: Whither goest thou? But because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow hath filled your heart. But I tell you the truth: it is expedient to you that I go: for if I go not, the Paraclete will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. And when he is come, he will convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment. Of sin: because they believed not in me. And of justice: because I go to the Father; and you shall see me no longer. And of judgment: because the prince of this world is already judged".
"I have yet many things to say to you: but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will teach you all truth. For he shall not speak of himself; but what things soever he shall hear, he shall speak; and the things that are to come, he shall shew you. He shall glorify me; because he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it to you. All things whatsoever the Father hath, are mine. Therefore I said, that he shall receive of mine, and shew it to you. A little while, and now you shall not see me; and again a little while, and you shall see me: because I go to the Father".
JUNE 1, 2016 – Pope Meets With Jains To Promote Healing and Caring for Earth and Humanity – Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that promotes compassion and non-violence. Pope Francis spoke to the group about the responsibility all have to care for creation and mother Earth and thanked them for how they view the world. He said 'We all love mother Earth, because she is the one who has given us life and safeguards us; I would also call her sister Earth, who accompanies us during the journey of our existence. Our duty is to take care of her just as we would take care of a mother or of a sister, with responsibility, with tenderness and with peace.' – ROME REPORTSMARCH 25, 2017 – Dr. Emilce Cuda is the first woman to receive a doctorate in theology from Argentina’s Pontifical Catholic University. She recently published a book titled Para Leer a Francisco (‘Reading Francis’). Dr. Cuda met Pope Francis on March 17, 2017 as part of a delegation of theologians. She says at the meeting Francis urged them to do theological ethics with a 'hermeneutic of unity in difference'. In the meeting, the pope jokingly likened this to the way the Holy Trinity functions. 'Inside the Holy Trinity they’re all arguing behind closed doors,' Cuda says Francis told them, 'but on the outside they give the picture of unity.' – CRUX
March 15, 2013 – In an address to the College of Cardinals Pope Francis said 'Our acquaintance and mutual openness have helped us to be docile to the action of the Holy Spirit. He, the Paraclete, is the ultimate source of every initiative and manifestation of faith. It is a curious thing: it makes me think of this. The Paraclete creates all the differences among the Churches, almost as if he were an Apostle of Babel. But on the other hand, it is he who creates unity from these differences, not in “equality”, but in harmony.' – VATICAN
DECEMBER 15, 2016 – Answering a question put to him by a nurse in pediatrics, who asked why children suffer, Pope Francis said: 'I have no answer to this question. Nor has Jesus given an answer to these words. There is no answer to this question, all we can do is look at the crucifix and let it give us the answer. Is God unjust? He was unjust with his son, he sent him to the cross, if we follow this logic then we have to say this.' – LA STAMPA
NOVEMBER 11, 2013 – Pope Francis said 'As humans, we are born with ignorance and by working we learn culture. Therefore, we move from ignorance to culture. That is the experience of our human genius; of human work – transforming ignorance into culture through science, art, work. Man is the author of culture. So, what happens when man is no longer a builder? He takes over culture and uses it not for improvement and the good of human kind but for selfish reasons. And then things happen. Think of Hiroshima just to name you a far away example. Things happen that create ignorance. Take manipulation, using people for your own good. Consider, for example, mining, open pit mines which pollute the environment, or high voltage cables that do not protect life. I do not know. Then, man, with such culture, is capable of creating ignorance again. That is the second form of ignorance we must be careful of. Because then we create and destroy. The God Shiva, right? The myth which tells that he created the world is a current myth. The God Shiva creates the world and then destroys it. Now, it occurs to me that we are living the myth of Shiva I think.' – VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH ARGENTINIAN DIRECTOR FERNANDO SOLANAS
JANUARY 16, 2017 – Pope Francis held a meeting with Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea. They addressed issues such as protection of the environment, migration, dialogue with the Muslim world and peace for Republic of Guinea. Alpha Condé gave an interesting work of art to the pope and explained it to him, "It's called Nmba. It is the god of fertility, so that women have many children." Pope Francis, very attentive to the explanation, responded as well, saying 'Italy needs fertility.' – ROME REPORTS/VIDEO
MAY 4, 2018 – Pope Francis joked 'This Holy Spirit is a disaster because He never tires of being creative!' -ZENIT/VATICAN
NOVEMBER 12, 2018 – Pope Francis said 'There is always confusion and disorder with the power of the Holy Spirit but we must not be afraid because it is a beautiful sign.' – VATICAN NEWS

On November 19, 2013 NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) tweeted 'Dear Pope Francis, thank you. Signed, #prochoice women everywhere'
8. 'Pope Francis' approved of contraception in certain circumstances.
According to Francis, the use of contraception is a matter of circumstances just as the reception of the Holy Eucharist for a divorced and remarried person is a matter of circumstances. Here is the accurate analysis parting the muddy waters of Francis' intentionally confusing philosophy: while in Christianity we are told not to commit any sexual acts outside of marriage (whether protected or unprotected) because of God's Laws, in Bergoglianity we find the spirit of anarchy which not only does not forbid the practice of sex outside of marriage, but deems the use of contraception "acceptable" in those regions plagued by Zika virus.
Francis' warped religion will not even offer the timid advice of trying to implement a form of intermittent pseudo chastity, a (mal)practice barely hinted by today's modern priests who, in their pursuit of social acceptance through personal reputation, have come to be embarrassed by what they perceive not as a virtue, but as an outdated, unfair, and often impossible "lifestyle".
As we just stated, not even this already excessively flexible approach toward the sins of the flesh (which has been leading the clergy toward the tragic dis-mission of the same issue by way of a self-imposed censorship hypocritically exploited for a fleeting excitement of self-gaining popularity) will find its way among the arrogant utterances of Vatican III CEO Francis Jorge M. Bergoglio. He will not even attempt to either camouflage or to somehow downsize the blatancy and the abrasiveness of his audacious anti-Christian remarks.
The utopia in which the Church of the False Prophet's One World Religion pours its hope is a world where love, peace and joy are generated by the hands of death, for not only will they be short-lived in a future time not too far from today, they will always remain the empty illusions which, designed by the prince of eternal death as counterfeits of God's true gifts, are meant to serve one goal and one goal only: your eternal death as well as the one of my own soul.
Although challenging to our own spiritual ears, what should scandalize us should not be the precepts of the False Prophet's Luciferian religion, for God's Holy Book repeatedly forewarned us of the beast's enthronement within God's Temple. After all, it was Jesus Christ Himself Who once Said, "These things have I spoken to you, that you may not be scandalized. They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God. " Rather, the subject that should both appall and heavily concern us is what can be called "The Great Lethargy", or "The Great Sleep": that long, cold and dark winter which has anesthetized the soul into a state of intellectual hibernation and spiritual dementia; these faithful (the great majority of that statistical 1.2 billion people forming the giant sand-cluster of baptized Catholics) have allowed themselves to be raptured by the lures of a multi-colored, pluri-genderized, artificially-inseminated and autocratically-equalized world in which male and female, black and white, truth and falsehood, or night and day no longer apply. Could the mixture of all these different ingredients with the tasteless doctrine of an inebriated Church be one of the reasons for Christ Jesus to say "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot. But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, not hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing: and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked."
One of today's top promoters of this evil wave of relativism is False Prophet "pope" Francis.
FEBRUARY 18, 2016 – Pope Francis Says Contraception Can Be Acceptable in Regions Hit by Zika Virus – THE WALL STREET JOURNALJANUARY 19, 2015 – Pope Francis tells Catholics they 'do not need to breed like rabbits' – BBC
SEPTEMBER 13, 2013 – Pope says church is obsessed with gays, abortion, and birth control – 'It is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time…We have to find a new balance' – THE NEW YORK TIMES
NOVEMBER 19, 2013 – NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) tweets 'Dear Pope Francis, thank you. Signed, #prochoice women everywhere' – TWITTER
FEBRUARY 29, 2016 – Pope Francis Praises Italy's Leading Abortion Rights Proponent – Pope Francis shocked church traditionalists and pro-life advocates after he recently praised a leading abortion rights advocate and even dubbed her as one of Italy's 'forgotten greats.' The pontiff made the statement during an interview last Feb. 8 with Corriere Della Serra, where he compared former Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino to great historical figures such as Konrad Adenauer and Robert Schuman. Pope Francis acknowledged that his statements were "controversial" but dismissed them, saying, 'True, but never mind. We have to look at people, at what they do.' – CHRISTIAN TODAY
NOVEMBER 8, 2016 – Pope receives Emma Bonino – Pope Francis had an audience with former Italian foreign minister Emma Bonino for talks about asylum seekers and the integration of migrants. Bonino, 68, is a former leader of the Radical Party and was involved in domestic campaigns for divorce and abortion in the 1970s. – ANSA
JUNE 13, 2017 – Pro-Abortion Theologian Picked as Pontifical Academy for Life Member – Pope Francis has appointed 50 academics as members of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Some choices are causing considerable concern, particularly that of Nigel Biggar, an Anglican professor of moral and pastoral theology at the University of Oxford, who has in the past supported legalized abortion up to 18 weeks and has expressed qualified support for euthanasia. New and reappointed members also include Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, as well as leading bioethicists, a Nobel laureate, a Muslim and a Jewish scholar. – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
SEPTEMBER 1, 2017 – In a series of interviews with Dominique Wolton, Pope Francis said 'The most minor sins are the sins of the flesh, because the flesh is weak. The most dangerous sins are those of the mind.' – CATHOLIC HERALD

JESUS: "And it hath been said, Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, excepting for the cause of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery." -Gospel of St. Matthew, Chapter 5
9. 'Pope Francis' issued an Apostolic Exhortation (Amoris Laetitia) that changes the practice of denying Holy Communion to those who are in 'irregular unions' (divorced and remarried, etc.).
This catastrophic event has already been discussed at length by many writers. Numerous theologians, lay people, journalists, Priests, Bishops, and Cardinals have asked for "clarification" from 'Pope Francis' in an attempt to allow him the opportunity to clearly unsay what he has said and more often allowed others to say for him. Some theologians and scholars even issued a "Filial Correction" accusing 'the Pope' of "propagating heresies" with the document. He has simply ignored these direct pleas and by his silence 'Pope Francis' suggests the law shall now be "do as thou wilt".
Finally, in October, 2017, 'Pope Francis' personally ordered the publication of guidelines from Buenos Aires Bishops which permit those in a state of mortal sin (adultery) to receive Holy Communion in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis (which promulgates Official Acts of the Apostolic See) and included a rescript that the guidelines are now to be considered part of his "authentic Magisterium".
Amoris Laetitia may most simply be described as "a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth". The wrongness of this Exhortation and of the man who wrote it is addressed very well by a Priest here:
VIDEO: Pope Francis A 'Subversive Agent – Priest Calls for Resistance
Since many men, including some at the top levels of the Catholic Church, have already thoroughly demonstrated the disastrous gravity of this document which opposes the very Words of Jesus Christ, we will not elaborate further here. However, it is worth noting that the conception, gestation, and birth of Amoris Laetitia serves as a prime illustration of how 'Pope Francis' plays his long game and routinely employs the sinister weapons of calculated ambiguity, managed misdirection, controlled chaos, and diabolical audacity to get what he wants in the end. This is not a case of an unintended outcome due to some sloppy wording or misinterpretation. It is willful and premeditated. Amoris Laetitia is not an act of manslaughter, but first degree murder. If we look back to April of 2014, we might remember that it was widely reported that 'Pope Francis' ("The Cold Call Pope") had telephoned a woman in Argentina who was remarried after a divorce and told her it was alright for her to receive Holy Communion, even saying 'A little bread and wine does no harm'. After reactions had been measured and the ground had been softened just enough, the Vatican then released a statement saying the report "cannot be confirmed as reliable, and is a source of misunderstanding and confusion. Therefore, consequences relating to the teaching of the Church are not to be inferred from these occurrences." Then, in November of 2015 at precisely the right moment, just after enough of the 'Pope's players had victoriously laughed off all suggestions that anything had really changed at the Synods on the Family, it was reported that 'Pope Francis' said 'at the end of faster or slower paths, all the divorced who ask will be admitted' during an interview with Eugono Scalfari. Father Lombardi, then Director of the Holy See Press Office, jumped in right on cue saying "As has already occurred in the past, Scalfari refers in quotes what the Pope supposedly told him, but many times it does not correspond to reality, since he does not record nor transcribe the exact words of the Pope, as he himself has said many times. So it is clear that what is being reported by him in the latest article about the divorced and remarried is in no way reliable and cannot be considered as the Pope’s thinking." True to form, when 'Pope Francis' finally released his Exhortation in April of 2016, he had hidden the most damning bit within a little footnote of a few crafty words and left their interpretation to his favored agents and the world's wicked wishes. Even when he was asked specifically about this explosive footnote 'Pope Francis' did not so much as blink when he claimed to not even remember it.
These words of Jesus Christ should immediately come to mind whenever confronted with this level of methodical deception:
"You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof."
Please also see:
VIDEO: Under the Dome of Pope Francis
APRIL 8, 2016 – Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation on The Joy of Love – The Vatican published Pope Francis’ eagerly-awaited Apostolic Exhortation on the family. The lengthy document, entitled ‘Amoris Laetitia’, or The Joy of Love focuses on the need for “personal and pastoral discernment’” for individuals, recognizing that “neither the Synod, nor this Exhortation could be expected to provide a new set of general rules, canonical in nature and applicable to all cases”. – VATICAN RADIO
Pope Emphasizes Flexibility Over Rules for Modern Families – ABC NEWS
Pope Francis Cracks Open The Door To Divorced Catholics – LOS ANGELES TIMES
Pope Francis Softens Communication Ban For Divorcees, Shifts Tone On Family – MSNBC
Pope Francis Urges Tolerance, Offers Hope To Divorced Catholics On Communion – NBC NEWS
More Tolerance, Less Judgement – Pope: Ease Up on Divorce and Gays – CNN
Pope Has Good News for Divorced Catholics – USA TODAY
Pope Francis, Urging Less Judgement, Signals Path for Divorced On Communion – NEW YORK TIMES
Pope Francis Offers Hope To Divorced Catholics, Says No to Gay Marriage – THE WASHINGTON POSTNOVEMBER 13, 2016 – Four Cardinals Formally Ask Pope for Clarity on Amoris Laetitia – Out of “deep pastoral concern,” four cardinals have taken the very rare step of publicizing five questions they have sent Pope Francis in a bid to clear up “grave disorientation and great confusion” surrounding his summary document on the Synod on the Family, Amoris Laetitia. The cardinals — Italian Carlo Caffarra, American Raymond Burke, and Germans Walter Brandmüller and Joachim Meisner — sent the five questions, called dubia (Latin for ‘doubts’) to the Holy Father and Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on Sept. 19, along with an accompanying letter. As the Pope has not responded to the dubia, the four signatories have decided to inform “the entire people of God about our initiative and offering all of the documentation.” – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
JULY 11, 2016 – Catholic Scholars Appeal to Pope Francis to Repudiate ‘Errors’ in Amoris Laetitia – A group of Catholic scholars, prelates and clergy have sent an appeal to the College of Cardinals asking that they petition Pope Francis to “repudiate” what they see as “erroneous propositions” contained in Amoris Laetitia. – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 – Pope Francis Reforms Roman Catholic Marriage Annulment Procedures – NBC NEWS
JUNE 16, 2016 – Most Marriages Today Are Invalid, Pope Francis Suggests – Pope Francis said 'It’s provisional, and because of this the great majority of our sacramental marriages are null. Because they say “yes, for the rest of my life!” but they don’t know what they are saying. Because they have a different culture. They say it, they have good will, but they don’t know.' He noted that as Archbishop of Buenos Aires he had prohibited marriages in the case of “shotgun weddings” where the prospective bride was pregnant. He did this on the grounds there was a question of the spouses’ free consent to marry…He said that in Argentina’s northeast countryside, couples have a child and live together. He said 'I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity, but there are local superstitions, etc.' *Updated June 17, 2016 to include a clarification by the Vatican: Pope Francis approved a revision to the official transcript to say that 'a portion' of sacramental marriages are null, instead of 'the great majority.' While he initially said in unscripted comments that 'the great majority of our sacramental marriages are null,' he later approved a revision of these remarks. When the Vatican released its official transcript of the encounter the following day, they had changed the comment to say that 'a portion of our sacramental marriages are null.' – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY
SEPTEMBER 17, 2016 – Dilution of Doctrine – This is not a normal moment in the Catholic Church. Someone leaked a letter from Pope Francis to the Argentine bishops, praising their openness to allowing some divorced-and-remarried Catholics to receive communion. The “private” letter was the latest move in a papal dance that’s been going on since Francis was elected. The pope clearly wants to admit remarried Catholics to communion, and he tried by hook and crook to get the world’s bishops to agree. The conservative resistance couldn’t be overcome directly without courting a true crisis. So Francis has proceeded indirectly, offering studied ambiguity in official publications combined with personal suggestions of where he really stands. This dance has effectively left Catholicism with two teachings on marriage and the sacraments. The traditional rule is inscribed in the church’s magisterium, and no mere papal note can abrogate it. But to the typical observer, it’s the Francis position that looks more like the church’s real teaching (He is the pope, after all), even if it’s delivered off the cuff or in footnotes or through surrogates. That position, more or less, seems to be that second marriages may be technically adulterous, but it’s unreasonable to expect modern people to realize that, and even more unreasonable to expect them to leave those marriages or practice celibacy within them. So the sin involved in a second marriage is often venial not mortal, and not serious enough to justify excluding people of good intentions from the sacraments. – THE NEW YORK TIMES
APRIL 24, 2014 – An Argentine woman, Jaqui Lisbona, wrote Pope Francis expressing her concern about not being able to receive Communion due to being civilly remarried following a divorce. Pope Francis then called her, told her that the subject was under study at the Vatican, and that it was okay for her to receive Communion, saying 'A little bread and wine does no harm'. The Holy See press office issued this statement: "Several telephone calls have taken place in the context of Pope Francis’ personal pastoral relationships. Since they do not in any way form part of the Pope's public activities, no information is to be expected from the Holy See Press Office. That which has been communicated in relation to this matter, outside the scope of personal relationships, and the consequent media amplification, cannot be confirmed as reliable, and is a source of misunderstanding and confusion. Therefore, consequences relating to the teaching of the Church are not to be inferred from these occurrences.' – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER/DAILYMAIL
NOVEMBER 1, 2015 – Pope Francis said 'The diverse opinion of the bishops is part of this modernity of the Church and of the diverse societies in which she operated, but the goal is the same, and for that which regards the admission of the divorced to the Sacraments, it confirms that this principle has been accepted by the Synod. This is bottom line result, the de facto appraisals are entrusted to the confessors, but at the end of faster or slower paths, all the divorced who ask will be admitted.' – LA REPUBBLICA
NOVEMBER 28, 2016 – Pope Francis Holds Firm Against Conservative Pushback – The issue of communion for remarried Catholics has become a touchstone for Catholics, determining on which side of the conservative/liberal divide they stand. Conservatives say giving communion to divorced and remarried Catholics would break with the millennia-old teaching of the Church that second marriages are adulterous. They cite Jesus himself, who says in the Gospel of Luke 16:18: "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery." The doctrine has been affirmed by Church fathers and popes prior to Francis, including most recently by John Paul II. But liberals say the issue is not one-size-fits-all. They say there may be cases where divorced and remarried Catholics should be allowed to receive communion. The Pope's refusal to answer questions directly is emblematic of how Francis effects change in the Catholic Church: he doesn't deal in the doctrinal nitty-gritty but goes straight to the people — via his priests — regardless of the rules. – CNN
JANUARY 19, 2017 – Maltese Bishop Threatens Priests Will Be Suspended For Refusing Communion To Divorced/Remarried – (NOTE: The Gozo Diocese issued a statement on January 20th that the rumor is “absolutely false,” and no such threat has been issued.) (EWTN, UK/CATHOLIC CULTURE)
FEBRUARY 1, 2017 – German Bishops Say the Divorced-and-Remarried May Receive Communion – The German bishops have published their own guidelines on Amoris laetitia allowing, in certain cases, for divorced-and-remarried Catholics to receive Communion. The decision by the German bishops' conference comes on the heels of a similar announcement made by the bishops of Malta. – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY
FEBRUARY 7, 2017 – Cardinal Marx: Pope’s Line in Amoris Laetitia is “Very Clear” – Defends German bishops’ guidelines on document as Cardinal Walter Kasper says allowing intercommunion with Protestants in some cases is the “position of the current Pope.” – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
FEBRUARY 14, 2017 – Vatican's Top Legal Aide Says Divorced-and-Remarried May Receive Communion – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY
FEBRUARY 24, 2017 – During a homily about the passage from the Gospel of St. Mark (chapter 10) where the Pharisees asked Jesus “Is it lawful for a husband to divorce his wife?", Pope Francis said 'Jesus does not say whether it is lawful or not lawful; it does not fit into their logic. Because they thought about faith in terms of 'can' or 'cannot', of where you can, to where you can not. The logic of the series: Jesus does not come in, in this. It addresses the question: 'But what did Moses command you? What is in your law?' They explain that Moses gave permission to divorce ones wife, and they had fallen into the trap, really. Because Jesus qualified them as 'hard of heart': 'For your hardness of heart, he wrote you this commandment', and he tells them the truth. No clever reasoning and without permitting it. The truth. The way of Jesus – it is quite clear – is the path from case studies to truth and mercy. Jesus throws out case studies. To those who wanted to test Him, to those who thought about this 'logic of what's permitted,' He called them – not there, but in other passages from the Gospel – hypocrites. Even with the fourth commandment, they refused to help their parents, with the excuse that they had given a good offer to the Church. Hypocrites. This series is hypocritical. This thinking is 'a hypocritical thought.' I can – I can't. Then the line becomes thinner, and more evil: where does it end before it's a sin? From here to here. It is 'the deception of case studies.'' – ROME REPORTS
JUNE 17, 2017 – ‘Doctrinal Anarchy’ As Bishops’ Conflicting Positions On Amoris Laetitia Show – Belgium’s bishops have become the latest to read the exhortation as giving access to the Sacraments for some civilly remarried divorcees without an annulment. They follow the bishops’ conferences of Malta, the Philippines and Germany, as well as some bishops from other countries who have issued similar guidelines. By contrast, Poland’s bishops’ conference became the first national conference to declare that Amoris Laetitia has not changed Church doctrine on Holy Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried, and that they continue not to have access to the Sacraments as the Church considers them to be living in an objective state of adultery. At a Mass last Sunday in an Argentine parish, Bishop Ángel José Macín of Reconquista determined that after six months of discernment, parishioners living in irregular unions or divorced and civilly remarried could be included in full and sacramental Communion. The reality of the situation is that the members of that Argentine parish have access to the Sacraments, but that would not be the case were they in a Polish one. Thus your geographical location becomes the determining factor on whether you must adhere to traditional Church teaching and practice, or not. A key problem is that the Pope’s own position on this issue has been ambiguous. Although last year he backed an Argentine bishops’ directive advocating support for giving Holy Communion to some remarried divorcees and, a few months ago, wrote a letter thanking Maltese bishops for their guidelines on interpreting the document, he has yet to state an official position, despite being formally asked to do so by four cardinals. Cardinals Carlo Caffarra, Walter Brandmüller, Raymond Burke, and Joachim Meisner sent him a list of dubia last September, five doubts about Amoris Laetitia aimed at resolving confusion over this issue, and other questions over whether the document is in continuity with the Church’s teaching. The Pope has asked Cardinal Müller not to respond, but said in an interview that some, 'as with certain responses to Amoris Laetitia, persist in seeing only white or black, when rather one ought to discern in the flow of life.' He added that these 'critiques — if they’re not from an evil spirit — do help. Some types of rigorism spring from the desire to hide one’s own dissatisfaction under armor.' – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 – Pope Francis Sets Up New John Paul II Institute on Marriage and Family – The new entity, issued by papal decree, replaces the previous institute founded by John Paul II in 1981. Its aim is to carry forward the teaching of Amoris Laetitia and make it irreversible. Today’s announcement comes after significant changes at the Institute, including the appointments last year of Archbishop Paglia as grand chancellor, and Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, as dean. Both are known to support a much criticized interpretation of Amoris Laetitia which would allow some remarried divorcees to receive Holy Communion, as well as being supportive of a softening of the teaching of Paul VI’s encyclical, Humanae Vitae, which reaffirmed the Church’s ban on artificial contraception. – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
SEPTEMBER 23, 2017 – Conservative Theologians Accuse Pope Of Spreading Heresy – Several Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy. In a letter delivered to Francis last month, the 62 signatories issued a "filial correction" to the pope — a measure they said hadn't been employed since the 14th century. The letter accused Francis of propagating seven heretical positions concerning marriage, moral life and the sacraments with his 2016 document "The Joy of Love" and subsequent "acts, words and omissions." When it was released in April 2016, "The Joy of Love" immediately sparked controversy because it opened the door to letting civilly remarried Catholics receive Communion. Church teaching holds that unless these Catholics obtain an annulment — a church decree that their first marriage was invalid — they cannot receive the sacraments, since they are seen as committing adultery. Francis didn't create a church-wide pass for these Catholics, but suggested — in vague terms and strategically placed footnotes — that bishops and priests could do so on a case-by-case basis after accompanying them on a spiritual journey of discernment. Subsequent comments and writings have made clear he intended such wiggle room, part of his belief that God's mercy extends in particular to sinners and that the Eucharist isn't a prize for the perfect but nourishment for the weak. – ASSOCIATED PRESS
DECEMBER 2, 2017 – Pope Francis Promulgates Guidelines Allowing Communion For Some Adulterers As His "Authentic Magisterium" – The Vatican's organ for promulgating the Official Acts of the Apostolic See, Acta Apostolicae Sedis (AAS), has published its October 2016 issue, containing Pope Francis' infamous Letter to the Buenos Aires Bishops. AAS not only published this letter, declaring that there are "no other interpretations" ("No hay otras interpretaciones") of Amoris Laetitia other than those of the Buenos Aires bishops, but it also published the full Buenos Aires guidelines themselves, which permit Holy Communion in some cases for couples in a state of permanent and public adultery who are not committed to living in complete continence. Most significantly, AAS upgrades Pope Francis' private letter to the Buenos Aires bishops to the official magisterial status of an "Apostolic Letter" ("Epistola Apostolica") and it includes a special rescript as an addendum by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State. This rescript declares that Pope Francis expressly intends that both documents – the pope's letter and the Buenos Aires guidelines themselves- bear the character of his "authentic Magisterium", and that the pope personally ordered their publication in AAS and on the Vatican website. – RORATE CÆLI
JANUARY 2, 2018 – Bishops Issue Profession About Sacramental Marriage – Three Kazakhstan bishops have issued a profession of the “immutable truths about sacramental marriage” in response to Pope Francis’ interpretation of Amoris Laetitia to allow some “remarried” divorcees access to the sacraments. The Ordinaries say that the Pope’s interpretation is causing "rampant confusion," will spread the “plague of divorce,” and is “alien” to the Church’s entire faith and Tradition. (Since the profession was first issued more prelates have signed.) – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
JANUARY 26, 2018 – Portuguese Diocese Endorses Communion For Remarried – The Archdiocese of Braga in Portugal has released the most in-depth response yet to Pope Francis’s Amoris Laetitia. The Braga document says that divorced and remarried Catholics may receive Communion after a process of discernment of around six months. – CATHOLIC HERALD
Cardinal Raymond Burke
"If a Pope would formally profess heresy he would cease, by that act, to be the Pope. It’s automatic."

A wolf on St. Peter's – 'FIAT LUX' illuminates the facade of St. Peter’s Basilica brought to you by The World Bank Group, Vulcan Inc., the Li Ka Shing Foundation, Obscura and Okeanos
10. On December 8, 2015, the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the official opening day of the "Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy", as well as the 50th anniversary of the close of the Second Vatican Council, images of animals were projected onto the facade of Saint Peter's Basilica at an event called "Fiat Lux: Illuminating Our Common Home" as an homage to nature inspired by 'Pope Francis" climate change encyclical, "Laudato Si” and coinciding with the COP 21 climate conference in Paris.
The Catholic Church has a long history. Centuries and centuries have passed by under the shade of the great dome at day, and under the light of its guiding lantern at night: uncountable miracles, glorious jubilees, Pope's speeches that will change history, the brushes and the chisels of the greatest artists who ever walked the earth, millions and millions of persons, of lives, of families, of tears and of joys have come to God's Temple on earth. Even Napoleon's arrogance made it all the way to the grandiose church in February 1808 when he pointed the cannons of Castel Sant'Angelo towards Pope Pius VII's bedroom window so as to become the emperor he dreamed of becoming but who failed to become. So much has occurred in centuries of Church history. Even the poison of corruption as well as thousands of profitable indulgences have found their way into the corridors of Vatican City. Yet, it was only on December 8, 2015 that the world received a revelation of wickedness of such extent that millions of faithful could not help it but feel the cold and pestilent breath of Satan wrap around their hearts.
On that day, as the sun descended behind the great dome the same way it had done for the multitudinous days of the past countless years, the dark eclipsing of the Immaculate Conception was unveiled through a direful succession of images projected unto a now-dark Saint Peter's Basilica and depicting a wide variety of animals, insects, and pagan tribes. This most dreadful light show, which was sponsored by none other than the tentacular financial creature known by many as the World Bank, reverses the order of things established by God: it is no longer the Catholic Church that is to cast God's Light upon a dark world, but it is the false light of the world that is being cast upon an obscured Temple.
Filled with occult symbolism and accompanied by the dreadful sounds of this earth's beasts, the show unfolded in such unexpected frightful fashion, it seemed to cast an infernal spell upon the confused faces of those spectators who, trapped by the giant pincers of columns framing St. Peter's Square, started to resemble some lost lambs destined to be slaughtered.
In this light show of most abyssal darkness, the title "FIAT LUX" is not meant to be interpreted as the widely known phrase "Let There Be Light" found in the Book of Genesis, but rather as the masonic expression indicating the false light. Indeed, the word lux as it is misunderstood in freemasonry, refers to Freemasonry itself as the light which takes the initiated out of the darkness of ignorance. Since Freemasonry is the religion of Lucifer, those who follow the path of the 33 degrees come to the erroneous idea of becoming the "morning stars", the light bearers, the Lucifers, in this realm. Through knowledge imparted according to a hierarchy which comes not from God, they are told that Lucifer is the true God all must serve.
This is the idea of the FIAT LUX produced by that same False Prophet who has come to impart the religion of Lucifer from the high echelons of the Vatican. Albert Pike, 33rd Degree Freemason and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, said "Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! ", while Manly P. Hall, 33rd degree philosopher and master Rosicrucian, wrote the following statements in his book All Seeing Eye: "Lucifer represents the individual intellect and will which rebels against the domination of Nature and attempts to maintain itself contrary to natural impulse. Lucifer, in the form of Venus, is the morning star spoken of in Revelation, which is to be given to those who overcome the world".
Here below are two more quotes which help us understand what was truly behind False Prophet Francis' luciferian ritual FIAT LUX:
"What we must say to the crowd is: We worship a God, but it is the God that one worships without superstition. To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say, so that you can repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: -The Masonic religion must be, by all of us initiates of the high grades, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If Lucifer were not God, Adonai [the God of the Christians] whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy and hatred of man, his barbarism and repulsion of science -if Lucifer were not God, would Adonai and his priests slander him? Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately so is Adonai. For the eternal law is that there is no splendor without shadow, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, because the absolute can only exist as two, because darkness is necessary to light to serve as its compliment, as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, as the brake to the locomotive … The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, equal to Adonai, but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is fighting for humanity against Adonai, God of Darkness and God of Evil." – Albert Pike, Confederate General, 33rd Degree Mason and Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, address to the 23 Confederated Supreme Councils of the World, July 14, 1889
" … certain Masonic societies exist which are Satanic, not in the sense that the devil comes to preside at their meetings, as that romancer of a Leo Taxil pretended, but in their initiates profess the cult of Lucifer. They adore him as the true God, and they are animated by an implacable hatrd against the Christian God, whom they declare to be an imposter. They have a formula which sums up their state of mind; it is no longer: 'To the glory of the Great Architect of the World,' as in the two lower Masonries; it is GEAALHHHADMMM which means 'Gloire et Amour a Lucifer! Haine! Haine! Haine! au Dieu maudit! maudit! maudit! [Glory and Love of Lucifer! Hatred!Hatred! Hatred! to God, accursed, accursed, accursed!]. It is professed in these societies that all that the Christian God commands is disagreeable to Lucifer; that in consequence one must do all that the Christian God forbids, and that one must shun like fire all that He commands. I have read and studied hundreds of documents relating to one of these societies, documents that I have not permission to publish and which emanate from the members, men and women, of the group in question." – Copin Albancelli Le Pouvoir occulte contre la France (1908)
And so, FIAT LUX is the light of the morning star Venus attributed to Lucifer over the Catholic Morning Light whom is Our Blessed Mother, Mary Most Holy. This is the motive behind the choice of releasing such demonic event on December 8, the very day in which we celebrate the Immaculate Conception. It is not mere coincidence that the same event took place at night so that the artificial light produced by men could cast into darkness the statues of Jesus Christ and of His Twelve Apostles while projecting the images of mortal men, of reptiles and of other earthly beasts.
Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. ~ Romans 1:23
DECEMBER 7, 2015 – Public Art Projection Featuring Images of Humanity and Climate Change to Illuminate St. Peter’s Basilica on the Opening of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy – "On December 8, a coalition convened by the World Bank Group’s Connect4Climate initiative will present a gift of contemporary public art entitled “Fiat Lux: Illuminating our Common Home” to Pope Francis on the opening day of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, to galvanize action and drive global attention to the importance of tackling climate change….At this unprecedented and historic event, beautiful images of our shared natural world will be projected onto the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica in a contemporary work of public art that tells the visual story of the interdependency of humans and life on earth with the planet, in order to educate and inspire change around the climate crisis across generations, cultures, languages, religions and class. The large-scale architectural public art installation is inspired by the themes of climate change, human dignity and the earth’s living creatures in the Encyclical “Laudato Si’” of Pope Francis. Programmed to coincide not only with the Jubilee, but also with COP21 in Paris, the historic occasion will call on citizens of the world to join a global movement to protect our common home." – THEWORLDBANK.ORGSEPTEMBER 1, 2016 – New Work Of Mercy Enshrined In First Papal Message For Creation – Pope Francis has added a new work of mercy for Catholics to perform: caring for our common home, the planet and all its inhabitants. ‘It’s not every day that you have a new work of mercy in the Catholic Church!’ That was how the new director of the Vatican press office, American Greg Burke introduced the briefing, focused on the papal message entitled ‘Show Mercy to our Common Home’. Christians have been called to carry out 6 acts of mercy, listed in St Matthew’s Gospel – giving food and drink to the hungry and thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and the prisoners – with a 7th one, burying the dead, added in medieval times. Now the new papal message adds an eighth one to that list and, as Terence Ward, author of ‘The Guardian of Mercy’ pointed out, it could be seen as the most significant of them all. – VATICAN RADIO
MAY 24, 2015 – Pope Francis publishes the "environmental Encyclical", Laudato si’. Some quotes:
“When our hearts are authentically open to universal communion, this sense of fraternity excludes nothing and no one. It follows that our indifference or cruelty towards fellow creatures of this world sooner or later affects the treatment we mete out to other human beings.”
“The creatures of this world no longer appear to us under merely natural guise because the risen One is mysteriously holding them to himself and directing them towards fullness as their end.”
“The very flowers of the field and the birds which his human eyes contemplated and admired are now imbued with his radiant presence.”
“If we approach nature and the environment without this openness to awe and wonder, if we no longer speak the language of fraternity and beauty in our relationship with the world, our attitude will be that of masters, consumers, ruthless exploiters, unable to set limits on their immediate needs. By contrast, if we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously.”
"Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to us."
"All creatures are moving forward with us and through us towards a common point of arrival, which is God, in that transcendent fullness where the risen Christ embraces and illumines all things. Human beings, endowed with intelligence and love, and drawn by the fullness of Christ, are called to lead all creatures back to their Creator." – VATICAN.VA

Muslims riot in Paris, France – "As he (Muhammed) lacked in everything, he took to bestial and barbaric means, which is the force of arms. Thus he introduced and promulgated his message with robberies, murders, and bloodshedding, destroying those who did not want to receive it, and with the same means his ministers conserve this today, until God placates His anger and destroys this pestilence from the earth." – St. Juan de Ribera
11. 'Pope Francis' after being asked about the murder of Father Hamel, a Priest whose throat was slashed by an Islamic jihadist during Mass in Paris mentioned "fruit salad", said "If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence", and generically condemned "fundamentalists" while pushing "coexistence".
"Go away Satan! Be Gone, Satan!” These were the last words spoken by Father Jacques Hamel before having his throat slashed by Islamic State terrorists on July 26, 2016.
Only days later on a return flight from Poland, a French reporter sought a reaction from 'Pope Francis', saying "Catholics are a bit in shock, and not only in France, after the barbarous assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel – as you know well – in his church while celebrating the Holy Mass. Four days ago you here told us that all religions want peace. But this holy, 86-year-old priest was clearly killed in the name of Islam. So Holy Father, I have two brief questions: why do you, when you speak of these violent events, always speak of terrorists, but never of Islam, never use the word Islam? And then, aside from prayer and dialogue, which are obviously essential, what concrete initiatives can you advise or suggest in order to counteract Islamic violence?"
'Pope Francis' does not give even a passing acknowledgement to the slaughtered sacred servant of Jesus Christ in his response, but as quickly as possible works to equalize all religions and talk about himself.
This is the full answer from the man who had the childhood dream of becoming a butcher:
'Pope Francis': 'I don’t like to speak of Islamic violence, because every day, when I browse the newspapers, I see violence, here in Italy…this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law…and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics! If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence…and no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there’s everything. There are violent persons of this religion…this is true: I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists. We have them. When fundamentalism comes to kill, it can kill with the language – the Apostle James says this, not me – and even with a knife, no? I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence. This is not right or true. I had a long conversation with the imam, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar University, and I know how they think…They seek peace, encounter…The nuncio to an African country told me that the capital where he is there is a trail of people, always full, at the Jubilee Holy Door. And some approach the confessionals – Catholics – others to the benches to pray, but the majority go forward, to pray at the altar of Our Lady…these are Muslims, who want to make the Jubilee. They are brothers, they live…When I was in Central Africa, I went to them, and even the imam came up on the Popemobile…We can coexist well…But there are fundamentalist groups, and even I ask…there is a question…How many young people, how many young people of our Europe, whom we have left empty of ideals, who do not have work…they take drugs, alcohol, or go there to enlist in fundamentalist groups. One can say that the so-called ISIS, but it is an Islamic State which presents itself as violent…because when they show us their identity cards, they show us how on the Libyan coast how they slit the Egyptians’ throats or other things…But this is a fundamentalist group which is called ISIS…but you cannot say, I do not believe, that it is true or right that Islam is terrorist.'
Sadly, Father Hamel was not the only causality of ISIS in July, 2016. In just the same month:
86 people lost their lives by being hit by a cargo truck which plowed into crowds of people
22 civilians and 2 police officers were killed at a restaurant
346 people were killed in a series of coordinated bomb attacks
15 ex-Islamic State members were executed on the charge of "cowardice"
7 Islamic State fighters were boiled to death for attempting to flee the battlefield
40 civilians were kidnapped and executed
3 policemen were blown up at a prayer gathering
4 members of a football team were executed under the charge that football is "anti-Islamic"
12 civilians were killed in a suicide car bombing
4 doctors were executed for refusing to fight with or treat the injuries of Islamic State members
5 civilians were burned alive in a cage for allegedly spying
3 family members were burned to death, including a 2-year-old-girl, for trying to escape ISIS-held territory
(and many, many more)
In addition to the above deaths attributed to the Islamic State in just one month, scores of other murders and atrocities were also committed in July, 2016 by Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. We searched this list and may have missed something but were unable to find examples of all the 'violent Catholics'.
In Bergoglio's fruit salad of faiths, bananas are the same as strawberries. The fundamentals of Jesus Christ and Mohamed are as one. Neither is really right or wrong, good or bad. Both will do just fine just so long as they're sufficiently diluted to suit all tastes and unoffensive to every palate.
JULY 31, 2016 – After being asked about the assassination of Fr. Jacques Hamel (a priest in France whose throat was slit during Holy Mass by Islamic terrorists), Pope Francis said 'I don’t like to speak of Islamic violence, because every day, when I browse the newspapers, I see violence, here in Italy… this one who has murdered his girlfriend, another who has murdered the mother-in-law… and these are baptized Catholics! There are violent Catholics! If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence…and no, not all Muslims are violent, not all Catholics are violent. It is like a fruit salad; there’s everything. There are violent persons of this religion… this is true: I believe that in pretty much every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. Fundamentalists. We have them. When fundamentalism comes to kill, it can kill with the language — the Apostle James says this, not me — and even with a knife, no? I do not believe it is right to identify Islam with violence. This is not right or true. I had a long conversation with the imam, the Grand Imam of the Al-Azhar University, and I know how they think…They seek peace, encounter…' – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCYNOVEMBER 30, 2015 – In in-flight interview from Africa to Rome Pope Francis says:
'Yesterday, I went to the Evangelicals, who work hard. And then they came to Mass in the evening. Today I went to the mosque. I prayed in the mosque. Even the Imam got into the popemobile to take a ride around the small stadium. These are small gestures, is that which they want. Because, there is a small group. I think that is Christian, or they say they are Christian, which is is very violent. I don’t really understand this. But, it’s not ISIS, it’s another thing. It’s Christian.'
(after being asked about the dangers of fundamentalism and the Paris attack by ISIS)
'One of the greatest values is the fraternity among us. We are all children of God. We have the same father. In this sense, we have to make politics of unity, reconciliation. A word that I don’t like, but I have to use it is “tolerance.” But, not only tolerance, co-existence, friendship. That’s how it is. Fundamentalism is a sickness that exists in all religions. We Catholics have some, not just some, so many, who believe they have the absolute truth and they move forward with calumnies, with defamation and they hurt (people), they hurt. And, I say this because it’s my Church, also us, all of us. It must be combated.'
(after being asked what Islam and Mohamed have to say to the world today)
'They have virtues, many virtues and these virtues are constructive. I also have the experience of friendship – it’s a strong word, friendship – with a Muslim, a world leader, we can talk, and he had his beliefs and I had mine, he prayed and I prayed. (There are) many values,prayer for example, fasting, religious values. Also other virtues…We can’t cancel out a religious because there are some, or even many fundamentalist groups at a certain point in history. It’s true, wars between religions have always been there throughout history, always. We also need to ask for forgiveness, Catherine de’Medici was no saint, and that 30 years war, that night of St. Bartholomew, we must also ask for forgiveness from the fundamentalist extremists in the religious wars. But they have virtues, one can dialogue with them. Today I was at a mosque, an Imam prayed with me, he wanted to go around the small stadium with me in the popemobile, where there were many who couldn’t enter, and in the popemobile there was the Pope and an Imam. It was possible to speak. As everywhere, there are people with religious values, there are people who don’t…how many wars, not only religious, wars we Christians have made. It wasn’t the Muslims who did the Sack of Rome. They have virtues.' – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCYDECEMBER 1, 2014 – Francis told reporters that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism, saying 'You just can’t say that, just as you can’t say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups.' – REUTERS
SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 – Pope Francis said 'Division is the weapon the devil employs most to destroy the Church from within. He has two weapons, but the main one is division: the other is money. The devil enters through our pockets and destroys with the tongue, with idle chatter that divides, and the habit of gossiping is a habit of ‘terrorism’. The gossip is a ‘terrorist’ who throws a grenade – chatter – in order to destroy. Please, fight against division, because it is one of the weapons that the devil uses to destroy the local Church and the universal Church.' – CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY
SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 – Pope Francis: Journalism Based On Rumors Is Form Of Terrorism – The pontiff urged reporters not to stoke fear, particularly with stories regarding migration forced by war or hunger. 'I have often spoken of rumors as ‘terrorism,’ of how you can kill a person with the tongue' the Pope said. – NEWSWEEK
Pope Benedict XVI
"Having a clear faith today is often labeled 'fundamentalism'"

Martin Luther – excommunicated by Pope Leo X on January 3, 1521
12. On October 31, 2016, All Hallows' Eve, 'Pope Francis' participated in a joint ceremony with the World Lutheran Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, signing a joint pledge to work to remove all obstacles to full unity; He has also said that he 'admires' Martin Luther and that "the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken". He has put a red statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican, and even left Lutherans wondering if they are already allowed to take Holy Communion in the Catholic Church.
"Martin Luther is in Hell and Christians who follow him will meet the same end." These are not the words of a bitter Catholic man who, having lived during the tragic time of the Protestant Reformation, angrily condemned the leader of the infamous rebellion which split the Catholic Church until our days. Oh no! Those are the words of a Saint who has lived in our time and whose death took him back to God Almighty only in 1968. This man is Saint Pio of Petrelcina.
"Those who do not submit themselves to the pope and the teachings of the Catholic Church are also going to Hell" is also what the same Saint proclaimed in regards to Martin Luther, the very heretical man who called himself Pope Luther I and who condemned the Pope of Rome.
Today another heretical man who calls himself Pope Francis I has decided to condemn most of what today's true Pope of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI, declares and imparts – namely, the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
We Catholics, just like Saint Pio, know very well that an unrepentant soul whose excommunication was never lifted as a consequence of pride, will more likely meet Christ's Judgment rather than His Mercy. This becomes even more plausible when that same person is arrogantly causing the breaking of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, triggering the irremediable loss of generations upon generations of souls who, blinded by the false 43,000 Protestant doctrines, incur the risk of eternal punishment.
Now, for the very first time since that unjust schism, an impostor dressed in papal clothing arrogantly announces one of the greatest enemies of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ to be admirable, without the least consideration towards the bad fruits of that man's infernal doctrine: one of which is the continuous refusal of the prominent role which Christ's Holy Mother – Whom is Our Immaculate Mother also – holds in God's plan of salvation. At the same time, do we Catholics find such misfortune to be all that shocking? No. Not at all. Indeed, it would have been more shocking to see the False Prophet act otherwise, for just as prophesied, today's fallacious "pope" is proceeding according to Satan's destructive plot. Not to mention the fact that an impostor can only bring evil upon a family as his actions will always counteract God's Holy Will.
And so, it is not enough to announce the abominable reunion between those heretical sects which still fail – and will continue to fail – to change their ways in order to adhere to the whole Truth of Christ's Holy Church on earth. Such malediction would not be enough of a slap on Our Lord's Face without the atrocious act of placing a red-tinted statue of Martin Luther in the midst of that institution which the German heretic hated just as much as "pope" Francis hates it. And that might as well be Jorge Mario Bergoglio's declaration of hate towards the Mystical Body of Christ: the forced placement of Martin Luther's effigy in the site of Saint Peter's Tomb.
After all, it was in 1511 that Luther traveled to the Holy City of Rome and, upon observing the reverence the true faithful paid to the holy servants of Christ, the rebellious man declared "If there is a hell, Rome is built over it!".
Oh! How wrong he was!
OCTOBER 31, 2016 – Catholic and Lutheran Churches Pledge To Work For Shared Eucharist – At the conclusion of a historic ecumenical celebration in Lund, Sweden, Pope Francis and the general-secretary of the world's Lutheran churches agreed to work together for a shared Eucharist. Pope Francis and Bishop Mounib Younan, President of the Lutheran World Federation signed a Joint Statement on October 31, 2016 in which Catholics and Lutherans pledged to pursue their dialogue in order to remove the remaining obstacles that hinder them from reaching full unity.
The joint statement reads '…Many members of our communities yearn to receive the Eucharist at one table, as the concrete expression of full unity. We experience the pain of those who share their whole lives, but cannot share God’s redeeming presence at the Eucharistic table. We acknowledge our joint pastoral responsibility to respond to the spiritual thirst and hunger of our people to be one in Christ. We long for this wound in the Body of Christ to be healed. This is the goal of our ecumenical endeavours, which we wish to advance, also by renewing our commitment to theological dialogue…We call upon all Lutheran and Catholic parishes and communities to be bold and creative, joyful and hopeful in their commitment to continue the great journey ahead of us…'
In a homily at the event Pope Francis said '…As Catholics and Lutherans, we have undertaken a common journey of reconciliation. Now, in the context of the commemoration of the Reformation of 1517, we have a new opportunity to accept a common path, one that has taken shape over the past fifty years in the ecumenical dialogue between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church. Nor can we be resigned to the division and distance that our separation has created between us. We have the opportunity to mend a critical moment of our history by moving beyond the controversies and disagreements that have often prevented us from understanding one another…We too must look with love and honesty at our past, recognizing error and seeking forgiveness, for God alone is our judge. We ought to recognize with the same honesty and love that our division distanced us from the primordial intuition of God’s people, who naturally yearn to be one, and that it was perpetuated historically by the powerful of this world rather than the faithful people, which always and everywhere needs to be guided surely and lovingly by its Good Shepherd. Certainly, there was a sincere will on the part of both sides to profess and uphold the true faith, but at the same time we realize that we closed in on ourselves out of fear or bias with regard to the faith which others profess with a different accent and language…The spiritual experience of Martin Luther challenges us to remember that apart from God we can do nothing. “How can I get a propitious God?” This is the question that haunted Luther. In effect, the question of a just relationship with God is the decisive question for our lives. As we know, Luther encountered that propitious God in the Good News of Jesus, incarnate, dead and risen. With the concept “by grace alone”, he reminds us that God always takes the initiative, prior to any human response, even as he seeks to awaken that response. The doctrine of justification thus expresses the essence of human existence before God…' – CRUX/VATICAN RADIO
JANUARY 14, 2016 – Catholics and Lutherans Reuniting for Reformation Anniversary – Catholics and Lutherans have made another step toward joint commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017 by issuing common liturgical guidelines for ecumenical services to mark the occasion. The guidelines, in a booklet called “Common Prayer,” provide a template for an ecumenical service, complete with suggested prayers, appropriate hymns and themes for sermons…When a Lutheran woman married to a Catholic asked Pope Francis about this during his visit to her church in Rome last November, he said he couldn’t decide the question but hinted strongly that he supported it. “It is a question that each person must answer for themselves … there is one baptism, one faith, one Lord, so talk to the Lord and move forward,” he told the congregation, which broke out in applause…The booklet suggests that ecumenical services have two presiders, one Catholic and one Lutheran, and several prayer readers of both faiths. – AMERICA MAGAZINE
JANUARY 25, 2016 – Pope Francis intends to participate in a joint ceremony of the Catholic Church and the World Lutheran Federation to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in Lund, Sweden on October 31, 2016. – VATICAN
JUNE 26, 2016 – Pope Francis said 'I think that the intentions of Martin Luther were not mistaken. He was a reformer. Perhaps some methods were not correct. But in that time, if we read the story of the Pastor, a German Lutheran who then converted when he saw reality – he became Catholic – in that time, the Church was not exactly a model to imitate. There was corruption in the Church, there was worldliness, attachment to money, to power…and this he protested. Then he was intelligent and took some steps forward justifying, and because he did this. And today Lutherans and Catholics, Protestants, all of us agree on the doctrine of justification. On this point, which is very important, he did not err.' – CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE / CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY
DECEMBER 14, 2015 – Jens Kruse of Rome’s Evangelical Lutheran Church has said he believes Pope Francis 'opened the door' to intercommunion when the Holy Father spoke to his church last month, and that his parishioners generally have the same opinion and that he thinks his flock feel freer, in accordance with their conscience, to receive the Eucharist in the Catholic Church after Francis’ comments on November 15 – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
JANUARY 21, 2016 – Lutheran Group Reportedly Given Holy Communion in St. Peter's Basilica – A Lutheran group from Finland, led by their bishop, Samuel Salmi of Oulu, reportedly received Holy Communion in St Peter’s basilica this week, despite indicating to the priests present that they were ineligible to do so. According to Finnish news agency Kotimaa at the time of Communion, the Finnish Lutherans put their right hand on their left shoulder to show they could not receive the Eucharist and wanted to receive a blessing instead. The Finnish Lutheran bishop said the priests distributing Communion ignored the sign and offered the Lutherans Communion anyway. The bishop also received the Eucharist. Bishop Salmi said Pope Francis was not present at the Mass, but said the Pope had repeatedly indicated he would like to develop unity between different denominations. The bishop, who in 2011 said homosexuals should have "full rights" in the Lutheran church, also told the news agency that Pope Francis has theological enemies in the Vatican and so may be limited in how freely he can speak. – NATIONAL CATHOLIC REGISTER
OCTOBER 13, 2016 – Pope Francis Received Some 1 Thousand Pilgrims in the Vatican – most of them German Lutherans – as part of ecumenical preparations for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Lutheran reformation. He said '…We Lutherans and Catholics, are walking on the road that leads from conflict to communion…The Apostle Paul tells us that, by virtue of our baptism, we all form the one Body of Christ. The different members, in fact, are one body…At the end of this month, God willing, I will go to Lund, in Sweden, and together with the Lutheran World Federation, we will remember, after five centuries, beginning of Luther's reform and thank the Lord for fifty years of official dialogue between Lutherans and Catholics. An essential part of this commemoration will turn our gaze towards the future…' (A red statue of Martin Luther was placed in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican for this meeting)
A German theology student asked Pope Francis about what he likes and does not like about the Lutheran Church. Pope Francis answered 'I really like the good Lutherans, the Lutherans who follow the true faith of Jesus Christ. However, I do not like lukewarm Catholics and I do not like lukewarm Lutherans.'
Pope Francis also told the group that proselytism was a potential threat to Christian unity, saying 'The last thing you must do is 'to say, to convince'. It's not right to convince someone of your faith. Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism.'
Afterwards, he bade them farewell with a joke, saying 'I also want to ask you a question. Who is better: Lutherans or Catholics? It is better when they are together.' – VATICAN/AP PHOTO/ROME REPORTS/ANSANOVEMBER 11, 2016 – When asked if Martin Luther was another prophet he said 'Yes, I quoted him because I admire him.' – LA REPUBBLICA
JANUARY 17, 2017 – Vatican To Issue Stamp Featuring Martin Luther – The Vatican office charged with issuing stamps, known as the Philatelic and Numismatic Office, confirmed that Luther will be celebrated with a postage stamp in 2017 – LIFESITE NEWS
JANUARY 19, 2017 – Pope: Luther’s Intention Was To Renew The Church, Not Divide Her – Speaking to members of an Ecumenical Delegation from Finland who are in the Vatican to take part in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Francis said that 'the intention of Martin Luther five hundred years ago was to renew the Church, not divide her'. – VATICAN RADIO
FEBRUARY 6, 2017 – German Catholics and Lutherans Take New Steps Towards Unity – The 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation offers Catholics and Lutherans an opportunity to take further steps towards reconciliation and full Christian unity. That was Pope Francis’ message to an ecumenical delegation from Germany, led by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, and top Protestant Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm. Speaking of the tragedy of divisions and conflict, fomented by political interests, the Pope praised the initiative of the German delegation to hold an ecumenical service of penitence and reconciliation entitled “Healing memories – witnessing to Jesus Christ”. Catholics and Lutherans will also be participating in other joint events this year, he said, including a shared pilgrimage to the Holy Land, a congress to present new translations of the Bible and an ecumenical day dedicated to shared social responsibility. – VATICAN RADIO

Abbas Al-Musavi's 'Battle of Karbala' v JESUS – "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." – Gospel of St. Matthew, 28
13. 'Pope Francis' said "It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest."
In this poor world, a world which made its adversity to God visible to all generations in the crucifixion of God's Holy Begotten Son, it has become customary to hear about the alleged disgraceful effects of Christianity on people's lives. In our culture, it has become a common belief that a so-called "organized" religion, such as the Catholic Church, is only meant to control the large, dumbed-down masses of commoners while those trendies who embrace the latest "disorganized" New Age tendency will not even realize that they themselves have been under the controlling grasp of the media which led them to purchase The New Earth. And last but not least, let us recall each time the often-conveniently misunderstood subject of the Crusades was used to accuse the Catholic Church of conquering the lands of the Middle East by committing horrendous atrocities upon those who resisted Christianity. Sadly, what they seem to disregard is the fact that if the entire Middle East had been forcefully colonized by Christians during those times, no man living in the Middle East – today – would still be under Islam; not to mention the loss of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire on May 29, 1453, which transformed the city from a Christian capitol to Islam's heart as the Hagia Sophia was transformed into a mosque.
Yet, there is another voice which is now telling us Catholics that the Islamic idea of conquest is just as true as the idea of conquest that constitutes the main message in Saint Matthew's Gospel, purposely stabbing the Christ he hates with the knife of his lies. That voice is, once more, coming from the person who was sent to destroy the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church from that very Chair of Peter he stole from our true Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI: so-called "pope" Francis I.
Our dear friends and readers, we know that the plot behind the curtains is of such scale and unimaginable impact that the mere politicizing of it through labels such as "liberation theology" or "conservative/liberal" or "left/right" and in the hope that the man who now sits in the White House will be the super-savior that shall miraculously restore the old order of things within the Catholic Church by somehow removing the impostor that has seized it, are only temporary fixes meant to keep you sedated into a deep denial.
Therefore, we must confront the harsh truth of the new world we are about to experience as if we were to soon be thrown into the Colosseum with ferocious wild beasts. So make no mistake, for the very conqueror who has forced himself upon the Church by way of corruption and deceit is projecting the evil he has committed unto the Holy Word of God – in this case, Saint Matthew's Gospel.
The type of conquest he wishes to attribute to Jesus Christ is not only the one we just mentioned, of course, but the one of Muhammad's religion which has persecuted, tortured and killed millions of Christians worldwide. We do remember how long it took the False Prophet to even begin acknowledging the last devastating persecutions which ISIS inflicted upon enormous Christian communities living across the lands. After months of almost completely ignoring the bloody events, his silence started to become louder than the heresies and blasphemies he would speak from his stages, or during his grotesque airplane interviews or while cursing God's Holy Word by releasing a perfectly rehearsed "F bomb" during a homily.
This is the man who has made his tireless mission of Europe's invasion of Muslims one of his priorities towards the plan created by the first recipient of the same Charlemagne Prize granted to Jorge Mario Bergoglio in 2016: Freemason Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. For those of you who may not be aware of The Kalergi Pan European Plan, you need not worry, for such design is already known to you as it has begun taking place through the Muslim conquest of Europe in the form of a gigantic wave of immigrants and refugees, the majority of whom appear to be young strong man in their 30's. Let us remember that in front of the Strasbourg Assembly and The Council of Europe, the False Prophet declared that, 'There needs to be a united response to the question of migration. We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery!…Europe will be able to confront the problems associated with immigration only if it is capable of clearly asserting its own cultural identity and enacting adequate legislation to protect the rights of European citizens and to ensure the acceptance of immigrants'. In the same speech, he later added that, 'In many quarters we encounter a general impression of weariness and aging, of a Europe which is now a 'grandmother', no longer fertile and vibrant.', making a clear reference to the pagan myth of the Rape of Europa for the sake of erasing the European race as well as any left traces of Christianity. This Islamic conquest has been orchestrated in secret and coerced upon Europe's citizens through the use of a compulsory tolerance which does not tolerate the freedoms of opinion and of speech.
In an interview to La Croix, the false pope stated, 'I am thinking here of Pope Gregory the Great (Editor: Pope from 590 – 604), who negotiated with the people known as barbarians, who were subsequently integrated. This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate. A demographic emptiness is developing. In France, at least, this trend is less marked because of family-oriented policies.'
In the same interview, the Katholik Dictator was asked the following question about the Christian roots of Europe: "In your speeches in Europe, you refer to the 'roots' of the continent without ever describing them as Christian. Rather, you define 'European identity' as 'dynamic and multicultural.' In your view, is the expression 'Christian roots' inappropriate for Europe?". Jorge Mario Bergoglio replied with the following: 'We need to speak of roots in the plural because there are so many. In this sense, when I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones. John Paul II, however, spoke about it in a tranquil manner.'
It is clear that the False Prophet's propaganda twists the simple recognition of Europe's Christian foundations into a senseless form of vengeance. Through the warping of language, his statement senselessly tries to demonize Christianity, for vengeance is either punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury and/or wrongdoings, and Christian Europe is not seeking vengeance on anyone whatsoever. If we then add the "colonialist overtones" of which he speaks, one must wonder which unexpressed lands and/or tribes have been under the threat of being forcefully invaded by XXI Century Christian Europe.
One thing we do know: The Gospel of Saint Matthew has helped reveal the evil tongue of the Vatican impostor, for God uses all tools – including allowing evil – to reconquer his children.
Our Lord, dear False Prophet, never conquered one soul by decapitating heads or by chopping off His children's hands, but He Has surely permitted His enemies to do so to Himself first (by accepting to be nailed onto a Cross), to His Apostles, and to many generations ever since so as to give the persecutors the chance to realize, by the grace of God, what horror they had done up until that very instant which we call conversion.
Dear False Prophet, you know very well that what you speak is false, for God Conquers us with love and never with the hatred spread by false prophets such as Muhammad. You know very well that Love, Whom is Christ, is patient and kind. And you know that Our Lord Suffers at the sound and sight of our sins.
But remember: it is not Lucifer who wins at the very end of this age, but it is the Most Blessed and Eternal Mystery, Our Mother and Queen, Mary Most Holy, God's Holy angels and archangels, and all His Saints who came throughout the world.
MAY 16, 2016 – Pope Francis said 'It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest. In the face of Islamic terrorism, it would therefore be better to question ourselves about the way in which an overly Western model of democracy has been exported to countries such as Iraq, where a strong government previously existed.' – LA STAMPA
NOVEMBER 24, 2013 – Pope Francis writes 'Faced with disconcerting episodes of violent fundamentalism, our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalisations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence.' – EVANGELII GAUDIUM, VATICAN.VA
FEBRUARY 17, 2017 – Pope Francis To Activists: Stand With Migrants, Do Not Deny Climate Science, There Is No Such Thing As ‘Islamic Terrorism’ – AMERICA MAGAZINE
AUGUST 21, 2017 – Pope Says Migrants' Rights Should Override National Security Concerns – REUTERS
Saint Francis of Assisi
"At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death. Then scandals will be multiplied."
'Pope Francis' has made the covers of Rolling Stone, The Advocate, and Vanity Fair. He has been praised by some of the most unlikely of personalities such as Bill Maher, Elton John, Jane Fonda, Chris Rock, Oprah Winfrey, Susan Sarandon, and many, many more. He has had emojis, hashtags, and apps created in his honor and films made about his life. The World has also given him numerous glowing titles, including:

Emojis from Swyft Media's Popemoji app and still from 'The Life of Pope Francis in Cartoon' by Catholic link
1. The Rockstar Pope
2. Rebel Pope
3. Super Pope
4. The People's Pope
5. New World Pope
6. The Selfie Pope
7. The Tweetable Pope
8. Pope of the Poor
9. The Great Reformer
10. Coolest Pope of All Time
11. Revolutionary Pope
12. The Radical Pope
13. The Humble Pope
Here are 13 titles which may be more fitting to the one known as 'Pope Francis':
The False Prophet, Ravenous Wolf, Destroyer, Barabbas, The Deceitful Worker, False Teacher, Impostor, Double-Minded Man, The Divider, A Religious Deception, Worker of Iniquity, The Strong Delusion, Anathema.
Pope Benedict XVI
"The Pope's ministry is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and to His Word. He must not proclaim his own ideas, but rather constantly bind himself and the Church to obedience to God's Word, in the face of every attempt to adapt it or water it down, and every form of opportunism."
Of course it can seem fantastical and even "conspiratorial" to point out that on Pentecost Day, June 8, 2014, as the first-ever Islamic prayers were being uttered at the Vatican, an asteroid named 'The Beast' flew by earth. It is by definition a coincidence and could absolutely mean nothing – or possibly reveal everything. Either which way, it is the truth and it is strange. Here are some more unsettling coincidences:
1. On February 11, 2013 lightning struck St. Peter's Dome twice just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation.
2. On March 13, 2013, the first words from Jorge Mario Bergoglio as 'Pope Francis' were: 'Brothers and sisters, good evening. You all know that the duty of the Conclave was to give a bishop to Rome. It seems that my brother Cardinals have gone almost to the end of the world to get him, but here we are.'
3. On March 14, 2013, the very day after the election of 'Pope Francis', the Grand Master of the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Italy issued a statement congratulating Jorge Bergoglio on his win. The high-level mason's words, just one day after the release of 'Pope Francis' onto the world seem highly improbable and even eerily prophetic to say the least. He wrote: "A man of the poor and far from the Curia. Fraternity and dialogue are his first concrete words: maybe in the new Church nothing will ever be like before. It is our auspicious that Francesco’s pontificate, the pope who ‘comes from the end of the world’ may signify the return of the Church-Word versus the Church-institution, promoting an open relationship with the contemporary world, with non believers and not through the springtime of Vatican II. The Jesuit who is close to the last of history has the great opportunity to show the world the face of a Church that must recuperate the annunciation of a new humanity, not the weight of an institution sheltered in defense of its own privileges. Bergoglio knows real life and will remember the lesson of one of his landmark theologists, Romano Guardini, who said truth and love cannot be separated. The simple cross that he wore on his white vest gives us hope that a Church of the people may find again the ability to dialogue with all men of good will and with Free Masonry which, as the Latin America experience teaches, works for the common good and progress of humanity, following Bolivar, Allende and Jose’ Marti’ to mention a few. This is the ‘white smoke’ that we are waiting for from the Church of our time." – Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master, Grande Oriente d' Italia, March 14, 2013.
4. In October, 2013 the Vatican had to recall Pope Francis medals because the name of JESUS was misspelled.
5. Soon after Jorge Mario Bergoglio adopted the name 'Pope Francis', Google Translate equated the name "Bergoglio" to "better world" in all languages.
6. Fires, Earthquakes, and Snakes – Just before his arrival in Jordan, an earthquake struck Israel near its border with Jordan. Fires were reported in 2 churches in Israel (Cenacle in Jerusalem and Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity) right after 'Pope Francis' visit. 14 people were bitten by snakes during a Mass conducted by 'Pope Francis' in Paraguay.
7. BERGOGLIO = 666 – ASCII is the code read by all computers for simple text. It is the universal "language" of computers for basic letters and symbols. Each letter is represented by a number. If you "translate" the name "BERGOGLIO" from letters into ASCII code and add up the numbers, the result is 666. Please do check this for yourself.
8. DATES –
March 13, 2013 – Jorge Bergoglio became 'Pope Francis' on March 13, 2013, the same day that Xi Jinping (who recently vowed to take the lead in shaping the “new world order”) formally became President of China, and the 16th anniversary of the Phoenix Lights phenomenon.
March 13, 1826 – the date Pope Leo XII promulgated Quo Graviora, an Apostolic Constitution decreeing the prohibition of membership in Masonic Lodges in perpetuity.
March 13, 483 – Pope Felix III was elected. He is often quoted as saying “Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and, indeed, to neglect to confound evil men—when we can do it—is no less a sin than to encourage them.” Pope Felix excommunicated Peter Mongus, who had taken the See of Alexandria, which brought about a schism between East and West until 519.
DECEMBER 17 (Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on December 17, 1936)
December 17, 1936 (Jorge Bergoglio's date of birth) – Saint Faustina Kowalska recorded this in her diary: "I have suffered more today than ever before, both interiorly and exteriorly. I did not know it was possible to suffer so much in one day."
December 17, 1538 – King Henry VIII was excommunicated by Pope Paul III. King Henry was married six times and was the main instigator of the English Reformation.
December 17, 2012 – reportedly the day Pope Benedict XVI decided to resign. It was this day that he was presented with the "red dossier" (a 300 page report compiled by three cardinals about the"Vatileaks" scandal).
December 17, 2014 – US President Obama announced an historic deal with Cuba facilitated by 'Pope Francis'
December 17th – the last day of the little known "13th sign of the zodiac", Ophiuchus, "The Serpent Bearer"
February 11, 2012 – a prophet wrote "Pope Benedict XVI will be ousted from the Holy See of Rome".
February 11, 2013 – Pope Benedict XVI announced his 'resignation'
February 12, 2013 – Banking regulators had suspended all ATM machines and credit card transactions within the Vatican on January 1, 2013. The 'freeze' was lifted on February 12, 2013 – exactly one day after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation.
9. In January, 2014 'Pope Francis" peace doves were attacked by a crow and a seagull. The traditional peace doves have been replaced with balloons.
10. Imagine by John Lennon – Twice the song has been sung in honor of 'Pope Franics'. Once by Disney soap actress Martina Stoessel in September, 2014 at his "Soccer Match for Peace" and once by Shakira following his speech at the United Nations in September, 2015. The lyrics include: "Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky…Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, And no religion too…"
11. In March of 2014 'Pope Francis' accidentally said "the 'F' Word".
12. In January, 2015 while visiting the Philippines 'Pope Francis' displayed the devilish horned hand sign. (This is covered at length here: Pope Francis and The Devils Horns)
13. This three-eyed occult laden graphic is the logo created for 'Pope Francis" Jubilee of Mercy:
Saint Paul
"The coming of the lawless one is apparent in the working of Satan, who uses all power, signs, lying wonders, and every kind of wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion, leading them to believe what is false, so that all who have not believed the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness will be condemned."
– The Second Epistle to the Thessalonians –

Fr. James Martin, SJ, introducing Metallica on The Colbert Report. 'Pope Francis' made Martin a communications consultant to Holy See’s Secretariat for Communications in 2017
When asked about opposition to his agenda 'Pope Francis' once said "I continue my path without being sidetracked. I do not behead people. I never have liked it. Let me repeat: I reject conflict. You remove a nail by applying pressure upwards. Or you tranquilize them, put them to the side, when they reach retirement age.' This is one way he deals with those in his way, but he also lifts up key players who mirror himself and are in line with his goals, including:
1. Robert Barron was made a Bishop by 'Pope Francis'. Barron is a media priest who became known for his YouTube videos, movie reviews, and DVD series. His website ( describes him as "one of the most-followed Catholics in the world on social media". He was ordained by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. In one of his YouTube videos ("Bishop Barron on Whether Hell is Crowded or Empty") he said: "Are any human beings in Hell? We don't know. We don't know. The Church has never declared on that subject and, and we may pray that all be saved and may even reasonably hope that all people be saved." He also writes books and in one (The Priority of Christ) he writes: "As mother of the Lord, she (the Virgin Mary) is, once again, Israel, the entire series of events and system of ideas from which Jesus emerged and in terms of which he alone becomes intelligible. Hans Urs von Balthasar comments in the same vein that Mary effectively awakened the messianic consciousness of Jesus through her recounting of the story of Israel to her son."
2. Cardinal Schönborn was chosen by 'Pope Francis' to give the press conference for the release of Amoris Laettitia and 'Pope Francis' later directed reporters to refer to him for its interpretation. In 2006, Schönborn’s Cathedral in Vienna offered a blessing for unmarried couples on Valentine’s Day that included homosexual partners. He has said: "There can be same-sex partnerships and they need respect, and even civil law protection." Twice (April 16, 2016, and June 16, 2016) 'Pope Francis' mistakenly stated that Cardinal Schönborn had been the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. He never was.
3. Cardinal Kasper has been called 'The Pope's Theologian' and often praised by 'Francis' himself. His proposal for a 'pastoral solution' to giving Holy Communion to divorced and remarried persons was the forerunner of Amoris Laettitia. He has said: "We must describe many of the gospel miracle stories as legendary. Legends of this sort should be examined less for their historical than for their theological content." and more recently (December, 2016) "I hope that the next declaration opens the way for shared Eucharistic communion in special cases."
4. Kenneth Copeland is an American televangelist with a global ministry who has been called 'The Godfather of Prosperity Gospel'. CBS News reported: "In one TV sermon after another Kenneth Copeland and wife Gloria implore viewers to sow the seeds of their faith by following God's Word and donating dollars, promising a hundred fold return in happiness and wealth." Copeland has been investigated by the United States Senate and the Internal Revenue Service. Numerous former employees have called the ministry a 'bottom line business'. In 1990 Kenneth Copeland said of the Crucifixion: "The righteousness of God was made to be sin. He accepted the sin nature of Satan in His own spirit. And at the moment that He did so, He cried, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" You don't know what happened at the cross. Why do you think Moses, upon the instruction of God, raised a serpent up on that pole instead of a lamb? That used to bug me. I said, "why in the world would you want to put a snake up there – the sign of Satan? Why didn't you put a lamb up on that pole?" And the Lord said, "Because it was the sign of Satan that was hanging on the cross." He said, "I accepted in my own spirit, spiritual death, and the light was turned off." This is the person 'Pope Francis' decided to reach out to and begin his 'miracle of unity' via "Bishop" Tony Palmer. (please see Breaking Bread – Pope Reshaping The Eucharist)
5. Cardinal Godfried Danneels was handpicked by 'Pope Francis' to attend and participate in the Synod on Marriage and the Family. Cardinal Danneels confessed to being part of a secret club of cardinals, a radical "mafia" reformist group opposed to Pope Benedict XVI. He called it a "mafia" club that bore the name of St. Gallen. The group wanted a drastic reform of the Church, to make it "much more modern", and for Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) to head it. (please see Cardinal Confesses to 'Mafia' Club Against Pope Benedict XVI )
6. Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández is a friend and advisor to 'Pope Francis' and most likely the ghost writer of both Laudato Si and Evangelii Gaudium. He has also written a book titled Heal me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing. Archbishop Fernández has said of 'Francis': "The pope goes slow because he wants to be sure that the changes have a deep impact. The slow pace is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the changes. He knows there are those hoping that the next pope will turn everything back around. If you go slowly it's more difficult to turn things back… . You have to realize that he is aiming at reform that is irreversible…No, there’s no turning back. If and when Francis is no longer pope, his legacy will remain strong. For example, the pope is convinced that the things he’s already written or said cannot be condemned as an error. Therefore, in the future anyone can repeat those things without fear of being sanctioned."
7. Greg Burke was promoted to Director of the Holy See Press Office replacing Father Lombardi. Greg Burke is a former correspondent for Fox News and Time Magazine and has been called "The PR Genius" and "Marketing Mastermind" who "helped make the Pope popular". He is a numerary of Opus Dei. (please see New World Pope – Marketing Machine)
8. Hans Schellnhuber was appointed by 'Pope Francis' to serve on the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and advise him on Laudato Si. He was chosen to be one among four speakers to speak during the release of the climate change Encyclical. Schellnhuber is a self-professed atheist who has written: "Although effects such as the glaciations may still be interpreted as over-reactions to small disturbances — a kind of cathartic geophysiological fever — the main events, resulting in accelerated maturation by shock treatment, indicate that Gaia faces a powerful antagonist. Rampino has proposed personifying this opposition as Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction." (please see Catholic Churches Welcome Gaia and Krishna)
9. George Clooney was awarded the Olive Medal for Peace along with Richard Gere and Salma Hayak by 'Pope Francis'. Clooney was raised Catholic but now says: "I don’t believe in Heaven and Hell. I don’t know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual, I won’t allow this life – the only thing I know to exist – to be wasted." At the awards ceremony Clooney said: "We have to start with schools, because we know that hatred and fundamentalist attitudes have to be taught. We’re not born this way, it’s a learned behavior. Pope Francis is focusing on schools, because he knows that this is the only way we’re going to fight it."
10. Cardinal John Dew was appointed by Pope Francis to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments as part of a complete and total overhaul of the congregation on October 28, 2016. Cardinal Dew has said "Our Church would be enriched if we were able to invite dedicated Catholics, currently excluded from the Eucharist, to return to the Lord’s table. There are those whose first marriages ended in sadness; they have never abandoned the Church, but are currently excluded from the Eucharist." and also "…we wanted to see language in Church documents changed so that it’s something that gives people hope and support and encouragement, rather than being something that appears to many people that they can’t sort of meet the mark, that they can’t live up to the standards that the Church is asking of them."
11. Archbishop Blaise Cupich was made a Cardinal by 'Pope Francis'. Cupich has stopped priests from praying outside abortion facilities, written that unemployment and hunger are just as appalling as abortion, and even locked Catholics out of their parish to prevent Traditional Latin Masses from taking place. He has said: "My position is the same as that of Pope Francis, who has indicated that the proper interpretation of Amoris Laetitia was given by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn and then again by the bishops of Argentina, for which the Pope noted ‘no further interpretation is needed." When questioned about Cardinals seeking clarification on Amoris Laetitia, he said: "I think that if you begin to question the legitimacy or what is being said in such a document, do you throw into question then all the other documents that have been issued before by the other popes. So I think it’s not for the pope to respond to that, it’s a moment for anyone who has doubts to examine how they got to that position because it is a magisterial document of the Catholic Church."
12. anna RF is an Israeli "Electro-Ethnic-Reggae musical group" who were part of a group of YouTube artists chosen to meet with 'Pope Francis' at the Vatican in May, 2016. The phrase anna RF is an Arabic-Hebrew expression which has a double meaning – “I know” and “I don’t know”. The group says it "creates music that combines the beauty of different cultures and brings people together in a joyful celebration of unity. The message of the songs is one of happiness and freedom." You may see part of their meeting with 'Pope Francis' here.
13. Emma Bonino was praised by 'Pope Francis' as one of Italy's 'forgotten greats' and he met with her on November 8, 2016 to discuss the integration of immigrants. Bonino is an abortion rights advocate and there are famous photos of Bonino performing illegal abortions using a homemade device operated by a bicycle pump. She is a former leader of the Radical Party in Italy and a strong supporter of the EU and recently signed the Georges Soros Letter ("As concerned Europeans") calling for stronger European integration.
Saint Paul
"I wonder that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ, unto another gospel. Which is not another, only there are some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. As we said before, so now I say again: If any one preach to you a gospel, besides that which you have received, let him be anathema. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."
– Epistle to the Galatians –
Jorge Bergoglio crafts the character of 'Pope Francis' masterfully. His costume consists of black shoes, a silver cross, and lots of big laughs. The target audience is "every living person on this planet". His publicists are the best in the biz, making sure that should he achieve a holy act of humility – such as carrying a suitcase – the world's cameras are there to catch it. The talented Mr. Bergoglio has given a brave dichotomous choice to the Francis illusion by often affecting a strained and even bumbling difficulty with language and pronunciation in some moments, while exhibiting razor sharp multilingual finesse and melodramatic impassioned rhetoric in others. At times, such as when needing to underline his humility by publicly approaching a confessional, he might chose to walk with a vague limp, and yet in others he almost appears to sprint with the vitality of a man a third of his age, such as when greeting fans or giving his trademark thumbs-up blessing. His flashes of anger and scowling looks have quickly become legendary and often leave even seasoned spectators shaken by his natural ability to embody dark intensity. Here he is in action:

July 8, 2015 – Francis accepts a 'communist crucifix' from Bolivian president Morales. He said of the gift: "I understand this work. For me it wasn't an offense. I carry it with me."

Life-size cardboard cutouts of Francis

July, 2013 – Francis places a beach ball on the Altar of St. Mary Major Basilica in the Vatican after returning from World Youth Day in Rio

October 13, 2016 (anniversary of The Miracle of the Sun in Fatima) – Francis with a red statue of Martin Luther in the Paul VI Hall at the Vatican for a meeting with 1,000 Lutherans. Francis told them: "It's not right to convince someone of your faith. Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism."

Jan 8, 2015 – Francis meets with Angelina Jolie (Malefecint, CFR member) at the Vatican.

January 20, 2015 – Los Angeles Times "Some of the most curious images of the pope's recent tour of the Philippines show him flashing what to most music fans is instantly recognizable as the "devil's sign." This ancient hand signal is achieved by extending the index and pinky fingers and retracting the ring and middle fingers (the thumb is optional–Pope Francis leaves it outstretched)…"
Saint James
"Adulterers, know you not that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world, becometh an enemy of God."
– The Epistle of Saint James –

July, 2014 – 'Pope Francis' meets with evangelicals at the Vatican, including: Kenneth Copeland, Geoff Tunnicliff, Brian Stiller, Thomas Schirrmacher, John Arnott, and Episcopal Bishop Tony Palmer.

November, 2013 – 'Pope Francis' in red clown nose.

September, 2015 – A screen is placed on the Altar of Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Texas for a virtual audience hosted by David Muir of ABC News in advance of Francis' visit to the United States.

Francis met with Diego Neria Lejarraga (right) who was born a woman and had a sex change and is now engaged to the woman at left. In April, 2015 Francis also washed the feet of a transgender man named 'Isabel' for Holy Thursday.

A video message from 'Pope Francis' inviting young people to an evangelical gathering in Washington DC called 'TOGETHER2016' on 07.16.16 with the tagline "#jesuschangeseverything"

WikiLeaks – A cardboard cutout of 'Pope Francis' with Ashok Mahbubani at the home of Tony Podesta (from the WikiLeaks emails – Ashok Mahbubani to John Podesta 2015-10-27, Subject "Casa Podesta Pizza Party")

Spirit of The Air – Francis laughing at one of his many airplane press conferences.
Saint Paul
"For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober."
– First Epistle to Timothy –
Each month 'The Humble Pope' releases a prayer intention video starring himself. Actually, these brief videos are merely labeled as "prayer intentions", but they usually have little if anything to do with real prayer and may more honestly be described as glossy little infomercials pitching causes that 'Pope Francis' either cares about or that he thinks might endear him more to the world. He speaks of fraternity, immigration, economic systems, etc. He speaks to the world and for the world and like the world. Who he practically never speaks of is Jesus Christ, God the Father, or the Holy Spirit. Viewers could surely be forgiven for wrongly assuming that the videos were created by some United Nations action group, or even perhaps the Oprah Winfrey Network, but they are actually produced by the Jesuit-run The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network along with the Vatican Television Center.
In addition to his 'Pope Videos', he has also been the subject of documentaries, highlighted in feature films, and had his life and times immortalized in biopics.
1. Care for Creation – The Pope Video
In February, 2016 Pope Francis released his prayer intention video titled 'Care for Creation'. There is no mention of the Creator whatsoever. Not a word about God the Father, nor a reference toward His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit are made. Instead, Pope Francis extols deities such as 'our common heritage', 'the world', and 'the planet' to evangelize for 'a new way of living', 'another way of managing the economy' and toward 'a change that unites us all'. As images of glorious nature and terrifying pollution are displayed, we hear 'Pope Francis' say: 'Believers and unbelievers agree that the earth is our common heritage, the fruits of which should benefit everyone. However, what is happening in the world we live in? The relationship between poverty and the fragility of the planet requires another way of managing the economy and measuring progress, conceiving a new way of living. Because we need a change that unites us all. Free from the slavery of consumerism. This month I make a special request: That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given–cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Caring for our common home.'
Please also see: Pope Francis, The Worst Polluter
(This video and all of 'The Pope Videos' listed below can be viewed here:
2. Inter-religious Dialogue – The Pope Video
In his very first prayer intention video, released in January, 2016 Pope Francis presides over a Rabbi, a Buddhist Lama, an Islamic leader, and a Priest. They all believe in "Love".
There are shots of Muslim prayer beads, a statue of Buddha, a Jewish Menorah, and a baby doll, but no cross is to be seen. 'Pope Francis' tells us 'Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God'.
This video is discussed at length here: Pope Francis and The One World Religion
3. Countries Receiving Refugees – The Pope Video
In this monthly prayer intention video released in November, 2016, we are first confronted with sad refugee faces in closeup who then turn and walk through a tinted glass revolving door. As the music perks up we then see 'Pope Francis' shaking hands and smiling. He tussles a refugee child's hair and then bows to him. He says: 'Can one country alone manage the problems of forced migration? We must move away from indifference and the fear of accepting the other. Because that other could be you. Or me…Join me in this prayer request: That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.' Again, no mention of Jesus Christ.
4. The Francis Effect
Produced by Fr. Thomas Rosica's Salt and Light media company, this homage to 'Pope Francis' was released not that long after his election. It is a series of interviews and clips. Featured interviewees include: Scott Pelley of CBS News, Anderson Cooper of CNN, Diane Sawyer of ABC, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Fr. James Martin, and many more.
Here are some quotes just from the trailer:
Cardinal Wuerl "I'm absolutely convinced that Pope Francis is the Pope whom the spirit gave to the Church today."
Scott Pelley "The first thing I thought was, 'That's not right, he's not wearing the right clothes', as if the Pope was going to make a mistake about these things. It wasn't a mistake it was a message."
Anderson Cooper "It's not a change of doctrine, but it is a change of emphasis and it is a huge change."
Dr. Philip Berger "If you're uncomfortable, it's not the Pope's problem. It's really your problem."
Cardinal Sean O’Malley "This is a very good man."
You can watch the trailer for this documentary here: The Francis Effect
5. Respect for Women – The Pope Video
You won't see any image of or reference to The Blessed Virgin Mary in this prayer intention video which was released in May, 2016. Instead you'll be treated to various shots of modern women. You'll see them scrubbing the floor, examining an X-ray, and packing a lunch with texts superimposed over the imagery such as:– I DO MY JOB AS WELL AS A MAN. – I WILL NEVER BE A SLAVE. – NO GENDER VIOLENCE. – ENOUGH OF DISCRIMINATION AT WORK. – MEN AND WOMEN ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. Pope Francis points right at you as he says: 'The contribution of women in all areas of human activity is undeniable, beginning with the family. – But only to recognize it…Is that enough? – We have done little for the women who are in very difficult situations–despised, marginalized, and even reduced to slavery. – We must condemn sexual violence against women and remove the barriers that prevent their full integration into social, political, and economic life. – If you think this is clearly right, join my petition. It is a prayer–that in all countries of the world women may be honored and respected and valued for their essential contribution to society.'
Pope St. Clement I
"This world and the world to come are two enemies. We cannot therefore be friends to both, but we must decide."
6. Respect for Indigenous Peoples – The Pope Video
Released in July, 2016, this video again fails to even once name Jesus Christ. It opens with a woman in the costume of an 'indigenous person' at a podium in an empty auditorium. Into the microphone she says: "Speaking for indigenous peoples, I ask that our ways of life may be respected, our rights and our traditions. Will you listen to me?"
The man in the Pope costume then answers her.
'Pope Francis': 'I want to be a spokesman for the deepest longings of indigenous peoples. And I want you to add your voice to mine in a heartfelt prayer that all will respect indigenous peoples, threatened in their identity and even in their existence.'
7. Together 2016 – Invitation from Pope Francis
Here 'Pope Francis' tells youth that Jesus is the cause of their restlessness and invites them to a protestant evangelical event in front of the obelisk known as the Washington Monument at the National Mall. The gathering was held on 7/16/16 and is part of the 'Reset Movement' produced by Nick Hall, the founder and lead communicator of PULSE, with the hashtag "JesusChangesEverything". The event boasted the follower performers and speakers: "Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Francis Chan, Lecrae, Nick Hall, Passion, Crowder, Kirk Franklin, Ravi Zacharias, Jeremy Camp, Andy Mineo, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Matthew West, JoSaxton, Mike Kelsey, Casting Crowns, John K. Jenkins, Sr., Josh McDowell, Laurel Bunker, Luis Palau, Tedashii, Tasha Cobbs, Lacey Sturm, York Moore, Trip Lee, Sammy Rodriguez, Ronnie Floyd, Reid Saunders, Bob Lenz, Jose Zayas, Jennie Allen, Nabeel Qureshi, Ann Voskamp, KB, Christine D’Clario, Matt Maher, Sammy Wanyonyi, Lindsey Nobles, Amena Brown, and Josh Brewer; with a special message from His Holiness, Pope Francis."
Together 2016 did take place but had to be cut short because of a severe dangerous heat wave. More than 400 people were treated for heat-related illness.
You can see the video here: Invitation from Pope Francis
8. Sports, A Culture of Encounter – The Pope Video
In August, 2016 'Pope Francis' released a video message not praising the Savior of Mankind, but instead exalting the virtuousness of basketball games and the glories of a soccer matches. He does not teach that Jesus Christ is the Way to Peace, but rather hopes fraternally in sports. The video shows young athletes kicking balls through a brick wall until it is demolished. 'Pope Francis' says: 'Sports make it possible to build a culture of encounter among everyone for a world of peace. I dream of sports as the practice of human dignity, turned into a vehicle of fraternity. Do we exercise together this prayer intention? That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between people and may contribute to peace in the world.'
Please also see: The Church of Sports
9. Before the Flood
Before the Flood is a 2016 documentary film about climate change directed by Fisher Stevens.
The film was produced as a collaboration between Stevens, Leonardo DiCaprio, James Packer, Brett Ratner, Trevor Davidoski, and Jennifer Davisson Killoran. Martin Scorsese is an executive producer.
'Pope Francis' has met with both DiCaprio and Scorsese at the Vatican and he is featured in this heavy-handed, 96 minute, climate change propaganda piece. DiCaprio introduces 'Francis' saying "One of the most important spiritual leaders on the planet has now called upon the world community to accept the modern science of climate change. A pope has never done anything like this in history.”
You can watch the trailer here: Before the Flood
10. For A More Humane Society – The Pope Video
Once again, you won't hear even a whisper about Jesus Christ or anything directly related to the salvation of your immortal soul. Instead, this Pope Francis video which was released in September, 2016, is working for "the common good", "solidarity", and "a society that places the human person at the center". There are visuals of boxes in a factory, closeup shots of everyday working people, and closing shots of a happy couple walking into the light. 'Pope Francis' says: 'Humanity is experiencing a crisis that is not only economic and financial, but is also ecological, educational, moral, and human. When we talk about crisis, we talk about dangers, but also opportunities. What is the opportunity? Being solidarity. Come, help me. That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center.'
11. Journalists – The Pope Video
'Pope Francis' seems particularly interested in journalists. Twice he has warned them about coprophagia (eating excrement), but here he is more subdued. In this October, 2016 prayer intention video (which again, of course, does not mention God, name Jesus Christ, or speak of the Holy Spirit), he simply says: 'I often wonder: How can media be put to the service of a culture of encounter? We need information leading to compromise for the good of humanity and the planet. Join me in this prayer request. That journalists, in carrying out their work, may always be motivated by respect for truth and a strong sense of ethics. Can you help me spread this prayer request? Yes.' While he is speaking we see images of studios and satellites, and faces of journalists. By the end, he has all of them telling him "Yes."
12. Pope Francis Addresses Super Bowl LI
'Pope Francis' inserted himself into the American Super Bowl on Sunday, February 5, 2017 via a prerecorded video message to fans. Again, he failed to mention (not even once) Jesus Christ, God the Father, or the Holy Spirit on the Lord's Day. He continued to preach Christ-less humanism and a 'world of peace' irrespective of the Prince of Peace. Even Lady Gaga sang "God bless America", but on this Sunday, the man dressed as Pope could not even bring himself to close his remarks with a potentially offensive "God bless you." Not even that. In the Super Bowl spot he says 'Great sporting events like today's Super Bowl are highly symbolic, showing that it is possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace. By participating in sports, we are able to go beyond our own self-interest and – in a healthy way – we learn to sacrifice, to grow in fidelity and respect the rules. May this year’s Super Bowl be a sign of peace, friendship and solidarity to the world.'
You can watch his Super Bowl spot here: Pope Francis Addresses Super Bowl LI
13. Pope Francis: The Encyclical
A mock movie trailer produced by Brazilian climate action group Observatório do Clima debuted across many platforms online just before the release of the Encyclical Laudauto Si' ('On Care for Our Common Home') in May, 2015. Just as soon after his election Italians noticed a graffiti of 'Pope Francis' portrayed as 'SuperPope' in the streets of Rome, here he is now transformed into a most heroic and brave action figure taking on the evil fossil fuel corporations with a few witty lines and lots of acrobatic kicks.
Finally though, this is a video about 'Pope Francis' which actually does include 'Jesus Christ'. We get to see 'Pope Francis' sparring with 'Jesus' in a dirty boxing ring.
You can see the too well produced spoof trailer here: Pope Francis: The Encyclical
"When you see a cloud rising from the west, presently you say: A shower is coming: and so it happeneth: And when ye see the south wind blow, you say: There will be heat: and it cometh to pass. You hypocrites, you know how to discern the face of the heaven and of the earth: but how is it that you do not discern this time?"
– Gospel of St. Matthew –
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