published on July 8, 2014 AN UNKNOWN STORY re-written by PAUL JOSEPH C. NOTE: Once I read a beautiful short story that I was never able to find again. And so, I decided to re-write it in the hope that…
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GOD and man: THE CREATOR and His last creature Written by PAUL JOSEPH C. Our smart phone, our HDTVscreen, our newest car, our space shuttles, our computers, and our own bodies are made out of dust. Do you know that…
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published on July 8, 2014 THE STORY of the DAY and NIGHT written by PAUL JOSEPH C. I am not known to you. I claim no special academic title. I do not profess to be an apologist or a theologian…
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published on July 8, 2014 TO KNOW SOME OF THE TRUTHS within THE TRUTH written by PAUL JOSEPH C. Some of us may still remember that our very origin is dust, and that this dust God Used to Make man,…
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published on July 8, 2014 THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN the FATHER and the SON in the HOLY SPIRIT ~Before Christ's First Coming~ Story created by PAUL JOSEPH C. It was in one moment within the Eternal Present, that the glorious hierarchies…
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