OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE – "Fight, children of light, you, the few who can see. For now is the time of all times, the end of all ends." EPHESIANS 6 – "Therefore take unto you the armour of God,…
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published on July 8, 2014 LOVE LETTER TO OUR CHRISTIAN PROTESTANT BROTHERS AND SISTERS written by PAUL JOSEPH C Our dear and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, Welcome to The WILD VOICE: we are honored to have you visit our pages…
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Brothers and sisters living in this world under One God, It is always in the NOW that things happen. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. NOW is the time. The following are letters to all people, brothers and…
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ABOUT US The WILD VOICE is a global not-for-profit (self-funded) collaborative platform open to all individuals of all backgrounds in search of Truth. The WILD VOICE sells no products or services; it has no clients, customers, or employees; and it does not seek nor…
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