JESUS "Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such." Where is the world headed? A child of the future opens a Book and awakens to the world that…
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published on July 8, 2014 AN UNKNOWN STORY re-written by PAUL JOSEPH C. NOTE: Once I read a beautiful short story that I was never able to find again. And so, I decided to re-write it in the hope that…
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published on July 8, 2014 THE STORY OF OUR GOD, WHO CAME TO BE OUR CARPENTER written by PAUL JOSEPH C. If you and I had lived in Palestine as Jesus turned 30 and when, for the first time, declared…
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published on July 8, 2014 AN ARTIST IS NEVER POOR Written by PAUL JOSEPH C. Babette's Feast: Karen Blixen wrote the extraordinary story of two elderly maiden sisters, Martine and Philippa, daughters of a long-deceased prophet-founder of an austere Christian…
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