"Observant Catholics, traditionalist Catholics, will become hunted like doves." – Father Malachi Martin In this interview Father Malachi Martin says "There was this consecration, this enthronement of Satan within the Vatican, of Lucifer by the way. It's a historical fact.…
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published: August 18, 2014 Below is a video of Mother Angelica, which aired in 1993 on EWTN, speaking about and to a "group" within the Catholic Church. This monologue was her response to Jesus Christ being portrayed by a woman in…
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published on July 20, 2014 PAGE TOPICS New World Order after New Order of the Mass The Revolutions of the 1960's after the Second Vatican Council Drugs, Sex, Rock N Roll IMPORTANT NOTE This page discusses the relationship between the…
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The Popes, Saints, Fathers, Doctors and approved theologians of the Roman Catholic Church have told us through the ages that a pope can be a heretic against the Roman Catholic faith and attempt to destroy the Church through inappropriate policies.…
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